Breaching Walls of Pain Through Loving Listening

God interrupt the cycle of human hurt using His people who are willing to listen.

A Fresh Redirect For Your Frustration

God always welcomes us to go to Him for perspective and wisdom--even for the smallest things in life that discourage us.

For the Hurting On Christmas

You have thousands of God's promises and the gift of presence to share with someone who's hurting just as you are.

Are You Growing Beyond Today’s Mistakes?

Making mistakes can be a valuable part of our growth!  

What Grace Is and Isn't

No matter how far we've fallen, it is the undeserved grace of Jesus that not only forgives us but also empowers us to change and live a new life in Him.

There’s Freedom to Think Through Your Faith

Were you one of those kids who wanted to take everything apart?

What Defines You?

Just when you were wondering about your self-identity, a glossy ad for luxurious kitchen and bath fixtures comes in the mail. The text beneath the photos? Your home is who you are.

Where is God in Chronic Illness?

Mike loved to hike. You'd find him on a trail in all kinds of weather...that was until he got sick. Doctors think it started with a tick bite. These tiny insects can carry an infection-causing bacteria that spreads to joints, hearts and the nervous system. Mike couldn't remember getting bitten by a tick, but months of chronic illness had turned into years. He's prayed for healing, others have prayed for healing, but God hasn't granted it. "This is discouraging," Mike admits, "but like it says in scripture, God keeps carrying me onward."

Becoming Beloved

In many cultures, the meaning of one's name is a powerful part of identity.

The Lazarus Problem

In some cultures, it's called "losing face." No matter how you describe it, no one likes to be proven wrong and look foolish.

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