Look Around You!
Lust: Who's to Blame, What’s to Be Done?
To rid yourself of lustful habits, look inward.
The Worst Things to Say to Someone Grieving--And What to Say Instead
Ditch the platitudes and learn the real way to comfort your friends in crisis.
Am I a Hypocrite? Facing Ourselves
It's easy to point out where someone else can improve. But it's harder to take a look at our ourselves.
Generational Change: How God's Love Transforms Fathers and Families
God longs to enable fathers to love powerfully.
This is the Silent Relationship Killer
We can’t expect others to read our minds, but we can live out the principle of treating others with the clarity and understanding we want for ourselves.
Temptation is Calling: Act Now and Live
What price would you pay to live?
Beyond Selfishness: What A Healed Bone Revealed
To know God is to serve and to care for others.
Motivated By Love Or Driven By Fear?
What drives you? Is it the fear of something or the love for something?
Loving Requires Listening
"I have absolutely no advice for you." When was the last time you heard that from a friend?
Why Did God Choose a Cross?
Does the cross of Jesus Christ seem hard to understand? If so, you're not alone.