My360 Helper

Thus Far The Lord Has Helped Us

There’s an old gospel song that says, “I don’t believe You brought me this far to leave me.” It’s still true today.

Who Can Stand Before The Lord?

The Holy of Holies. One man. Once a year. Strick guidelines that if not followed, could end in death. Standing before God was serious then, and it’s serious now.

How Do I Get Home From Here?

If the destination is getting closer to God, then today’s teaching is just the roadmap you need.

Where Are You Going To Put God?

The Ark of the Covenant represented the very presence of God, and as such there were strict guidelines as to how and where it could be handled. Today’s teaching relates those principles to the lives of every believer.

Has God Lost His Glory?

Wars… rumors of wars… rampant evil… Has God lost control? Can we trust Him? No, He hasn’t, and yes we can.

The People Of God Still Take Some Blows

Why do the righteous suffer? Why do we as children of God experience some of the same pains as those of unbelievers? Today’s message contains some hard truths.

Knowing When God Speaks

Amidst the cacophony of voices in our world today, can we really discern God’s voice among them? Yes, we can.

You’re Never Too Young To Start

How soon can we begin to awaken our children to spiritual things, and train them to seek God’s will for their lives? Not soon enough.

The Problem Is Sin

One of the problems with many today is calling something a problem when the real problem is sin.

Why Are We Told To Fast?

Why Are We Told To Fast? Every believer should have times of fasting in their spiritual toolbox. The goal of fasting is not merely to lose weight, it’s much more. How much more? We’ll look at that in today’s teaching.

What Does It Mean To Pray Soberly?

Praying soberly… what is it, and how do we operate in it? Today’s teaching sheds light on this important spiritual discipline.

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