Citizenship Is Important
Citizenship has its privileges, especially when it comes to being a citizen of heaven. And in today’s teaching, that message is loud and clear. Open your bibles to Acts chapter 22 and join us.
Honoring Deserving Moms
Today we have a special message for all the moms and women out there who are making a difference in the lives of others. The Bible exhorts us to give honor to whom it is due. To all the moms, mentors, caregivers and women who are making a difference, this one is especially for you. And you men can listen in too!
Remember The Important Things
Some things are worth remembering and some are not. Today’s teaching from Acts chapter 22 reminds us to remember the important things.
Looking For God's Will
God’s will is not a straight line taking us from here to there. You’ll often find many twists and turns along the way. Today we’re in Acts chapter 20 as we take a closeup look at the intricacies of the Lord’s will.
Love Works
The word of God declares that of the three powerful forces of faith, hope and love, love is the greatest. We are to be people of faith. We are to be people with hope, but above all we are to be people who love. In today’s message from Acts chapter 20 we look at some of the many things that love can accomplish in our lives.
The Palm Sunday Surprises
No one expected the events that occurred on Palm Sunday those many years ago. Although Jesus’ life was in jeopardy, He set His face toward Jerusalem, and thus fulfilled God’s plan for His life. What an example for us to follow.
A New Creation
The new creation is described in 2 Corinthians 5:17: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” To understand the new creation, first we must grasp that it is in fact a creation- something that God has done. We could not re-create ourselves. Neither did God simply clean up our old nature; He created something entirely fresh and new. The new creation is a wondrous thing, and it is the subject of today’s message from the archived teachings of Dr. B. Sam Hart.
Paul Had Ministry On His Mind
In today’s message from Acts chapter 17 we find Paul being very narrowminded. What was on his mind that captured his thinking? Listen in to find out.
God Can Turn Things Around
In Acts chapter 16 we find a story of hope for all who are going through difficult times. It reminds us that all of life’s difficult circumstances are transitory. It’s a story that shows how God can turn things around.
The Authority Of The Believer
Automobiles have power, but traffic lights have authority. The source of their authority doesn’t lie in itself- not in the electricity or the wires or the bulbs. Today’s teaching reminds us of the source of the believer’s authority. We’re in Acts chapter 16.