We’re Called To Be Disciple Makers

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could just reach into a bag and pull out all the things we need to be disciple makers? We might not be able to do that, but God has given us both the ingredients and instructions that are necessary to fulfill the mandate found in today message from Acts chapter 16.

Looking At The Face Of Faith

Today we start a new chapter in our trek through the book of Acts. Here in chapter 14 we see what the face of faith looks like. In sports there is something called “the game face.” It’s a look of determination and resolve- and sometimes it comes from the most unlikely sources: the young upstart facing the wily veteran… the rag-tag band of amateurs going up against their seasoned and well-equipped opponents. We invite you to put on your spiritual game-face-of-faith and join us for today’s message.

Joy Often Comes With Pain

In today’s message we look at the relationship between joy and pain. Ask any mom and she will tell you that giving birth to a child is one of the most joyful experiences of life. But she’ll also tell you that it is one of the most painful. I can almost hear the “Amens!” In many of life’s experiences we find this dichotomy. Paul and his companions certainly did in today’s passage from Acts chapter 13.

All Of Human History Points To Jesus

In the mid-sixties there was a song written to promote an iconic motion picture. The song asked this question: “What’s it all about when you sort it out…?” It’s a question that is still asked today. From the dawn of time to this present moment there is a theme that runs through the course of human history. And in today’s we learn that “History, from beginning to end is all about Jesus.”

Spiritual Warfare: The Showdown In Cyprus

The Bible is very clear about the fact that as believers we have an enemy that is out to destroy us. He seeks to steal, to kill and to destroy us. Make no mistake- we are in a battle for our lives. But this battle isn’t one we can fight with physical weapons. The weapons of our warfare are spiritual ones, and with them we can like Paul in today’s teaching face our showdown with satan. We’re in Acts chapter 13.

We Are Separated & Sent Out

In Acts chapter 13 we have a beautiful illustration of how God works in the Body of Christ regarding the ministry of missions: The story gives us pause, and causes us to wonder that perhaps our shortcomings are due to a departure from these fundamental principles. Join us as Dr. Tony Hart unwraps the truths contained in this passage.

Suffering Gives Opportunity For Victory

You’re sure to receive a blessing from today’s message in Acts chapter 12, where we find out that where there is suffering, there is also opportunity for victory. Here’s Dr. Hart.

Contend For The Truth

In today’s teaching with Dr. Tony Hart from Acts chapter 11 we find Peter being unafraid to step out of his comfort zone to contend for the truth of the Gospel. It’s a lesson for us all.

The Holy Spirit Goes Viral

In today’s message it’s not “something” that spreads rapidly through the population, it’s “Someone.” And that Someone is the Holy Spirit. Today we’re in Acts chapter 10.

Are You Ready?

How wonderful it is to know that God wants to bless His children. We must however put ourselves in a position to be blessed. From our archived messages, here’s our founder, the late Dr. B. Sam Hart asking, “Are You Ready?”

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