My360 Helper


What's in a plan? Why plan? What should Christians do in making plans?


Have you ever desired to have a different government? Listen to Pastor Douglas Schroeder as he addresses the word "government" in today's edition of "The Word Today".


What is a "parable"? Why did Jesus use them so often?


Life can be a struggle, sometimes even between right and wrong. How can you best handle it?


How can we keep from slipping during times of temptation?


Why do Christians not need to fear death?


Everyone has fears, but what can we do to control our fears so they don't control us?


What does it mean to "lament"? Who in the Bible help us learn about "lament"?


Everyone is looking for it, in some area in their life. One man offers it to all. What are they looking for and who can provide it? Listen to Douglas Schroeder to learn the answers in this edition of "The Word Today".


One of the names given to Jesus which should bring comfort to Christians, Immanuel. Why?


How do you know when someone has sincerely repented? Paul Schroeder presents three things to look for in someone who is truly repentant.

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