Your kids don’t want to go to church?

Katy says, “We go to Awana and my son does not like memorizing scripture. I think he feels inferior to all the kids that are just rattling off the paragraphs. We talk about hiding God’s word in our heart and he does love reading his Bible, but does not want to even try to memorize even easy verses. It makes him not even want to go Awana.” Memorizing isn’t everybody’s gift. That’s what makes this one hard. Try this. Have him read a simple verse 10 times in a row, like writing spelling words. Then have him put his Bible away. When he comes back repeat the verse—but then say it wrong…or maybe forget the words. Chances are he’s going to correct you. Then praise him for memorizing so well. Catch our kids doing great things. It can be life-changing.

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