My360 Helper

Pastor Steve Gaines encourages the church with a sermon titled "The Lord Will Fight Your Battles" out of Exodus 14. With the Egyptians closing in on the Israelites at the Red Sea, Moses tells the crowd that God will win the victory for them. We may never face anything as harrowing as an escape from our Egyptian enslavers, but we all have challenges in our lives that threaten to undo us. Whether you are facing a problem at work or home, know that God understands your need and is working behind the scenes according to His will. 0:00 - The Gaines family faces a hard medical diagnosis 5:08 - Even Christians go through hard times 7:34 - Moses leads the Israelites to the Red Sea 18:54 - King Hezekiah trusts God to defeat his enemies 22:44 - The Lord fights for His people #BellevueBaptistChurch #BellevueMemphis #SteveGaines

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