Barna Group research tells us “roughly four out of ten young Christians fall into” what the researchers call the nomad “category. They still call themselves Christians but they are far less active in church than they were during high school. Nomads have become ‘lost’ to church participation.” Some don’t even go. It happens when we fail to adequately “[prepare] young Christians for life beyond youth group.” Researcher David Kinnaman discovered “only a small minority of young Christians has been taught to think about matters of faith, calling, and culture.” As this generation leaves church, culture-wide biblical illiteracy is a major cause, Barna Group notes. Why? So many churches provide entertainment for kids, not real biblical teaching. More importantly, Christian families aren’t spending as much time studying God’s Word. Let’s use Deuteronomy 6 to be our guide: teach God’s Word diligently to our children.
Will your kids leave the church when they’re 18?
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