Is your praise positive?

If you have a son or daughter who’s an athlete, it’s easy to turn into a coach, especially if you played the game when you were younger. I fall into this trap after just about every game. I tell my daughter how well she did—then I immediately start coaching her. Frankly, Mom and Dad, kids don’t want to hear it. And, really, you shouldn’t offer it unless they ask. How would you like it if your wife came to you after a date and said, “Honey, I love how you treated me when we went out for dinner, but could you hold my hand just a little longer?” Or, “Hon, I’m so proud of you, but you should have tipped more.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11 tells us to “encourage each other and build each other up” (NLT). Sometimes we’re building up; then, immediately, we tear down.

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