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Faith From the Unlikely, Part 1

From Wisdom for the Heart …e heroes we find in Hebrews 11:29-31 aren't all prophets, priests or kings; they are co…

Faith From the Unlikely, Part 2

From Wisdom for the Heart …e heroes we find in Hebrews 11:29-31 aren't all prophets, priests or kings; they are co…

How Christianity Shapes Relationships

From The Wisdom Journey - Audio Hebrews ends with a chapter full of admonitions and exhortations. They are final remind…

How to Run Your Race Well

From The Wisdom Journey - Audio Hebrews 12 compares the Christian life to a race. To complete our race successfully, we…


From Search for Truth …yzes the context of Hebrews 1-3 to expound the latter - and applies it to our lives tod…

Jesus: Superior and Sovereign

From The Wisdom Journey - Audio Hebrews carries one all-important truth for us: Jesus is supreme, and without Him there…

Just Believe that He Is

From Fresh Hebrews 11:6 Without faith no one can please God. Whoever comes to God must believe tha…

Keeping Your Faith Fresh for the Long Haul - Part 1

From Bold Steps …urn to Genesis 14 and Hebrews 11 to understand the essence of faith and how to strength…

Let Us Draw Near to God

From Guidelines for Living …s" from the Book of Hebrews.…

Living in the Shadows

From Wisdom for the Heart …onder the author of Hebrews saved their stories for last in his account of biblical her…
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1 Minute of Hope

A Voice for Persecuted Christians

Bold Steps

Bread of Life

Champions Arise

Christian Crusaders

Craig Church Ministries

Discipleship Essentials

Encouraging Words

Every Man a Warrior Minute

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Berni Dymet


Dr. Peggy Banks

Lonnie Berger


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1 Samuel

By Salt and Light

2 Peter

By The Word for Today

A Course for Life

By Grace to You

A Faith that Pleases God

By Grace to You

A Flurry of Wings

By Running to Win


By Grace Notes

Christian Character Development

By Discipleship Essentials

Christmas 2023

By Salt and Light

CHRISTMAS – a time to remember ALL YEAR

By Grace Notes


By Salt and Light
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