The religion of Western culture is now tolerance. Its adherents have one stated precept: They profess a kind of universalism, saying that all beliefs… read more
Ever since the forbidden fruit was plucked from the tree in the Garden of Eden, the human race has been looking for shortcuts to the top. Jesus faced… read more
The Word of God tells us to flee temptation and resist the devil (see 2 Timothy 2:22 and James 4:7). But most Christians try to resist temptation and… read more
When it comes to the issue of forgiveness, sooner or later, we find ourselves on both sides of the fence. But whether we are in need of another… read more
The Bible records an occasion in which Peter approached Jesus with a question: “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who… read more
In the Garden of Eden, God gave the first man an incredible gift: a wife. She was the one who fit him perfectly—custom-designed by God to be… read more
Do you ever wonder why answers to prayer tarry? Is it that God is teaching us to wait? Are we not correctly hearing the voice of God? Is God trying… read more
Dr. Michael Youssef, Ph.D.Leading the Way
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