The Distinctive Qualities of the True Christian, Part 4a
Philippians 3
The Distinctive Qualities of the True Christian, Part 3b
You’ve probably heard that a Bible that’s falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn’t. One reason . . . when you consistently read and meditate on God’s Word, you’ll be changed day by day into the image of Christ. So risk some wear and tear on your Bible with John MacArthur . . . as he gives you some helpful tests to evaluate your relationship with Christ.
The Distinctive Qualities of the True Christian, Part 3a
When I say the word heaven, what comes to mind? You may think of experiencing pure joy . . . seeing loved ones who are there now . . . or being freed from suffering . . . certainly things to be excited about. But do you ever think about something much more foundational . . . namely, how do you get to heaven? John MacArthur helps you answer that question.
The Distinctive Qualities of the True Christian, Part 2b
What makes a good deed . . . well . . . good? If you think that the measure of a good deed is the amount of good it does for others, you’ll be surprised by the criteria John MacArthur considers this question in his current study called . . . The Road to Nowhere. Be listening to GRACE TO YOU.
The Distinctive Qualities of the True Christian, Part 2a
Here’s an important question for you . . . and, in fact, it may be the most important question you could ever ask . . . Where will you go when you die? Are you on the road to heaven . . . or the road to hell? That’s the focus of John MacArthur’s current study—join him as he helps you to know where you’ll spend eternity .
The Distinctive Qualities of the True Christian, Part 1b
How can you live to a ripe old age? There are plenty of diets, exercise plans, and vitamins aimed at helping you live a healthy, long life. Yet there is no guarantee that any one of us will live even to see tomorrow. So the vital question is, "Where will you go after you die?" Can you know for sure? Consider that with John MacArthur . . . on GRACE TO YOU.
The Distinctive Qualities of the True Christian, Part 1a
Is there a question that is more important than this one: When you die—and everyone will die someday—will you go to heaven . . . or will you go to hell? You need to be sure of the answer. To help you to be certain of where you’ll spend eternity, join John MacArthur for his series called The Road to Nowhere.
Bible Questions and Answers, Part 41
Ever been stumped by a Bible question . . . not knowing where to look for a clear and definitive answer? Well, you may have at least one of those questions soon cleared up. . . as John MacArthur breaks from his normal verse-by-verse teaching format to answer questions from folks in the church he’s pastored for fifty-six years.Join him for a helpful Q&A . . . on GRACE TO YOU.
God’s Plan for Employees - Part 2
When you’re on the job, what are you known for? Are your coworkers glad to work with you? Do your managers trust you? Are you honoring Christ in your workplace?Consider those questions with John MacArthur as he shows you traits that every Christian employee should have. He’s continuing his study called . . . Revolutionary Living in a Dark Culture.
God’s Plan for Employees - Part 1
Do you have questions about the Bible? Well, join the club. If you’re wondering what Scripture says about how to work with joy—even if you have an unfair boss or difficult coworkers—you’ll want to be here as John MacArthur unpacks encouraging truth from Scripture . . . and shows you the path to Revolutionary Living in a Dark Culture.
God’s Plan for Younger Men, Part 2
Here’s an important question for you . . . If you’re a man, how do you cultivate decisive, fair, and godly leadership in the home and in the church? And if you’re a woman . . . how do you support and encourage that kind of leadership? For practical answers, join John MacArthur as he continues his look at . . . Revolutionary Living in a Dark Culture. . . on the next GRACE TO YOU.