“The How, When, and Why of Creation, Part 2” (#2)

It’s clear that science has answered a lot of questions about how this world works. But has science—particularly evolutionary theory—really figured out how the world got here in the first place? Even some churches would say that it has. Can the book of Genesis hold up to what modern science says about origins? Find out now on GRACE TO YOU as John MacArthur continues his study called . . . The Battle for the Beginning.

“The How, When, and Why of Creation, Part 2” (#1)

A scientist saw amino acids, the building blocks of life. He said for those to have originated by random chance would be as likely as a “fully assembled [Boeing] 747” being formed by a whirlwind blowing through a junkyard of airplane parts. Even evolutionists have questions about how the world and everything in it got here. On GRACE TO YOU, John MacArthur continues his study titled The Battle for the Beginning addressing the subject of evolution and a literal six-day creation.

“The How, Why, and When of Creation, Part 1” (#2)

As science advances, more and more problems are being solved, and momentous questions are being answered. But no matter how far science progresses, it will never be able to answer two of life’s most important questions: who created the earth . . . and why did God create it? For those answers, you must turn to God’s Word. That’s what John MacArthur’s going to do on thist edition of GRACE TO YOU as he continues his study . . . The Battle for the Beginning.

“The How, Why, and When of Creation, Part 1” (#1)

A few years back, scientists used specially equipped airplanes to study the composition of meteors. The reason, as reported by the Associated Press: To hopefully find “clues to how organic chemicals were first brought to Earth.” If you really want to know how life came to earth, look no further than your Bible. On GRACE TO YOU, John MacArthur continues his series from the book of Genesis showing you the Creator at work—bringing the universe into existence and putting His glory on display.

“God - Creator and Redeemer”

One prominent atheist and evolutionist wrote, “Biologist must constantly keep in mind that what they see was not designed, but rather evolved.” This scientist doesn’t want to believe in God, even if there’s overwhelming evidence of His work. Why is that? On the next edition of GRACE TO YOU, John MacArthur shows you why rejecting God as creator has more to do with sin than it does with science. It’s part of his current series titled, The Battle for the Beginning.

“Creation - Believe It or Not, Part 2”

On GRACE TO YOU, John MacArthur will show you how many people today are confident that the entire universe . . . just sort of happened. John looks at what the Bible says about the creation-evolution debate as he continues his study titled The Battle for the Beginning. It’s one of this ministry’s most popular, and most defining series of messages.

“Creation - Believe It or Not, Part 1”

On Grace to You, John MacArthur begins one of his most popular studies. It’s a look at origins, what the Bible says about how the universe came to be and the specific reasons God created it. To see the evidence for a literal, six-day creation—and the consequences of denying it—tune in when John MacArthur begins his study, The Battle for the Beginning.

The Exclusiveness of the Gospel, Part 1-2

How wide is God's mercy? Some believe His gracious offer of salvation extends to people of every belief and religion. Others hold a narrower, more exclusive view . . . that apart from repentance and faith in Christ, there is no salvation. Well, today on "Grace to You", John MacArthur's going to take you to the Bible - to show you what it says about the people God saves . . . and the people He doesn't.

God’s Plan for Giving, Part 1-2

It’s as ingrained in many churches as Bible teaching and prayer. It’s been practiced by Christians for hundreds of years every week. I’m talking about tithing. The idea that you need to give ten percent of what you earn to God. What principles should guide you when you want to support your church? Find out as John MacArthur continues his series . . . God’s Plan for Giving,on GRACE TO YOU.

Thinking Biblically About the COVID-19 Pandemic Part 2

During the COVID-19 pandemic, you’ve probably found comfort and guidance from God’s Word and you have probably found yourself with new questions the longer the crisis has gone on. Recently John MacArthur sat down in studio to answer some important questions raised by the pandemic—probably questions you have. We’re breaking from our regular schedule to bring you that interview on GRACE TO YOU.

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