Why Sunday is the Lord’s Day, Part 1

It’s not a day when we’re more holy than others. It’s not a day when there are some sort of restraints on how we’re to behave. It’s a day when we glorify God, and look at the most important reality of your life, and that is your salvation. Hear more, today on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.

Understanding the Sabbath, Part 2

Today on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur, John helps you understand the Sabbath — why God created it in the first place, what Jesus sai d about it, and how you’re supposed to view it.

Understanding the Sabbath, Part 1

Well, today on GRACE TO YOU, John MacArthur kicks off a study to show you exactly what the Sabbath is — and why it still matters what day you go to church. This practical series is titled, The Sabbath and Why We Worship on Sunday.

Creation Day 6, Part 5

What a person believes in terms of evolution and creation has some serious implications in the battle being fought, and much more is at stake than simply what’s taught in a child’s science class. Hear more as John MacArthur continues his study The Battle for the Beginning, today on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.

Creation Day 6, Part 4

There’s a battle raging in most schools, the media, governments — maybe even in your church. And the weapons in this battle aren’t seen . . . but the effects are devastating. The weapons are philosophical in the ongoing debate on origins . Hear more, today on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.

Creation Day 6, Part 3

Today on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur, John will tell you what it means — and what it doesn’t mean — to be made in the image of God . . . what being created in His image means for your life — and eternity.

Creation Day 6, Part 2

Are you undecided in terms of origins and the universe . . . or is your mind settled on the issue? Consider that, as John MacArthur continues his look at what Genesis 1 says about the creation - evolution debate titled The Battle for the Beginning. That’s, today on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur

Creation Day 6, Part 1

Would you believe perhaps the most important battle ever fought is raging right now in your own community . . . in your own neighborhood? Not a battle in military terms — but a battle of ideologies. Hear more,today on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.

Creation Day 5, Part 2

The doctrine of creation, as identified in the book of Genesis, is foundational. It is where God starts His story, and you can’t change the beginning without impacting the rest of the story and the ending. Hear more, today on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.

Creation Day 5, Part 1

John MacArthur continues his look at The Battle for the Beginning, by showing you that you don’t need to have an advanced degree in science . . . or seminary training, for that matter . . . to defend what the Bible says about creation. Find out more, today on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur,

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