From Pasture to Brickyard

The book of Exodus can be tedious at times and not easily relatable to 21st century issues, but in this new series Stephen expounds truths from Moses' memoirs that have not lost any relevance over the course of millennia.

A Refresher Course . . . Fishing 101

After the appearance of their risen Lord, the disciples did as they were told and returned to Galilee -- and waited. As they waited, the uncertainty and confusion must have mounted. Eight of them went fishing to think it over. Little did they know that Jesus was fishing for them.

The REAL Lord's Prayer

If Jesus were to pray for you personally, what would His request be? Would He ask the Father to give you more money? A bigger house? A better job? Jesus did pray for you in John 17 and those materialistic requests weren't anywhere on the list. Stephen brings us Jesus' unforgettable prayer in this message.

In Case You Lose Heart

Are you discouraged today? Has the weight of depression or doubt overtaken you? Be encouraged by this message. God was strong enough to bear your cross; He’s strong enough to bear your doubts as well.

The Promise of Suffering, Part 2

In Matthew 6:25-33, Jesus promises to supply all our needs. Do we hold Him to that promise? In Matthew 28:20, Jesus promises to never leave us nor forsake us. Do we cling to that promise as well? If so, then why are we so shocked by persecution? Jesus promises that too.

The Promise of Suffering, Part 1

In Matthew 6:25-33, Jesus promises to supply all our needs. Do we hold Him to that promise? In Matthew 28:20, Jesus promises to never leave us nor forsake us. Do we cling to that promise as well? If so, then why are we so shocked by persecution? Jesus promises that too.

Introducing the Holy Spirit

Perhaps His most familiar name is "The Comforter," but the Holy Spirit does so much more for the believer than just ease our sorrows. In this in-depth study, Stephen gives us incredible insight into the most mysterious member of the Godhead.

Is Christianity the Only Way to Heaven?

Truth, by its very nature, is exclusive. So ignore what the bestselling authors and secular professors of our day say about Jesus. Let Jesus speak for Himself.

Heaven Guaranteed

Our age has been called the age of anxiety. Pessimism clouds everything. The plaintive cry of society is best summed up by the one who wrote, "I have seen the future, and it doesn't work." The disciples didn’t think it was working for them either, but Jesus gives them a promise for the ages.

Scent From a Broken Vase

During a time when Pharisees prayed flowing prayers in their flowing robes and rich men listened to the sound of their own money dropping in the coffer, an unlikely figure gives us an unforgettable example of genuine worship.

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