Burning Bridges ... Killing Spiders

Charles Spurgeon said, The Bible is like a lion: you don't defend it, you just let it loose. In Acts chapter 19, that happens, and transformation in the lives of people is incredible, and the assault upon the kingdom of darkness is undeniable!

1st Century Van Winkles

The bestowal of the Holy Spirit at Ephesus shows that the church is without social castes. We should be diverse, but unified in spite of our diversity.

In the Hands of Tentmakers

What happens when an eloquent and educated 1st century scholar is tutored by a couple of blue collar saints? Ministry happens!

This Was Your Life

How would your like look as a reality TV show? Would it be wroth watching? Would it be wholesome and God-honoring? What would it reveal to others about you? Maybe it's time for God to rewrite your life's script, so don't touch that dial!

Sin City

The more persecution and opposition the Apostle Paul faced, the more confident he became in sharing his faith. But sometimes even Paul's faith was tested to the limit. In this lesson, it took a vision from God in the night to bring him back.

Lessons From Sinning Saints

Is there really such a thing as a secret sin? No! Even the sins that are never discovered keep us from being the Christians God intends us to be. The person we fool most when we keep our sins buried in the closet is ourselves.

Ingredients of Integrity

Noah was more than just a shipbuilder. He was also a missionary in a spiritually dead land. And even though his family members were the only converts of his ministry, he never stopped obeying God.

Truths From an Ancient Record

Why would God choose to record an obituary column in holy scripture? What we discover in Genesis 5 is a long list of people we don't know. But God knows them . . . and that's all that matters.

The Curse of Cain

In this message, The Curse of Cain, Stephen reminds us that God's way isn't merely the best way . . . it's the only way.

Goodbye to Paradise

God is interested in family harmony and confession between husband and wife. If your prayers aren't being answered, take a look at your relationship with your spouse!

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