My360 Helper

Introduction to the Online Video Course

"Welcome to the online video course on the subject of „Finding a way out of pornography“. This course is especially for women. It will help you to see yourself and your sexuality in a new light and will give you hope that there is a way out of the anonymous world of cybersex. In this course there are 5 units on the following subjects: - Why are w…read more

Pornography - An issue for Women

Many people are surprised when they hear that women, too, struggle with pornography. In this unit reasons for this increasing problem are given and we learn what the triggers might be for a woman to turn to pornography.

False Shame

Shame can be a feeling given by God to let us know that we have done wrong so that we can turn around and seek forgiveness. False shame, however, will cause us to turn away from God. In this unit Ulrike talks about how false shame will increase our loneliness and what we can do against that.

Leaving addiction behind

In this unit you will learn what you can do to get out of pornography and that there might be some things in your past that you need to work through.

What do we need

We cannot do it alone. We will find out what we need and who can help us on our way out of pornography.

Practical Steps

Here Ulrike gives practical steps that will help and encourage you.

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