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Death: The Fear of Dying | Dr. David Jeremiah

Does the fear of death keep you from truly living? Knowing that God awaits us at the end of our earthly lives can give us unmatched peace and comfort – not only in death, but for our lifetime. Today, Dr. David Jeremiah looks at what the Bible says about death. 00:00 - Death is a shadow 01:25 - Dr. Jeremiah's message - "Death: The Fear of Dying" 41:19 - Next Time on Turning Point Why Does God Let Bad Things Happen?:

Depression: The Fear of Mental Breakdown | Dr. David Jeremiah | Job 3

Why Does God Let Bad Things Happen?: Message Description: For those struggling with depression, the world is a pretty hopeless place. But as we’ll learn from Dr. David Jeremiah, God specializes in bringing hope out of hopelessness! The Bible provides four steps for defeating depression and reassures us that God is in control. 00:00 - The common cold of the soul 02:12 - Dr. Jeremiah's message - "Depression: The Fear of Mental Breakdown" 41:13 - Next Time on Turning Point Sleep on This - Evening Reflections from God’s Word: ..................................................................................................................................................................... Subscribe to the Official David Jeremiah channel to stream our latest messages and much more: Hit the Notification Bell

Danger: The Fear of Sudden Trouble | Dr. David Jeremiah | Mark 4:35-41

Have you ever felt like you were in the “perfect storm” where everything goes awry at one time? Have confidence—we have the perfect Captain to guide us safely to the shore. 00:00 - We walk Through the valley...not just into it 01:04 - Dr. Jeremiah's message - "Danger: The Fear of Sudden Trouble" 38:25 - Next Time on Turning Point Why Does God Let Bad Things Happen?:

Disapproval: The Fear of Rejection | Dr. David Jeremiah

The longing for approval by man is a never-ending spiral, but with God there is acceptance as we bow our head and knee to Christ and receive His unconditional approval. 00:00 - Saved...but not "So Saved" 01:40 - Dr. Jeremiah's message - "Disapproval: The Fear of Rejection" 41:25 - Next Time on Turning Point Why Does God Let Bad Things Happen?:

Disconnection: The Fear of Being Alone | Dr. David Jeremiah | 2 Timothy 4:9-21

There’s no feeling as empty as the prospect of being forever alone. God knew it from the very beginning, and He gave Adam a companion. Dr. David Jeremiah shares the comforting truth that God still offers companionship. 00:00 - God designed us for fellowship 01:34 - Dr. Jeremiah's message - "Disconnection: The Fear of Being Alone" 38:53 - Next Time on Turning Point Why Does God Let Bad Things Happen?:

Defeat: The Fear of Failure | Dr. David Jeremiah | Joshua 1:2-9

Have you ever been thrust into a role for which you felt utterly unqualified? Then you can relate to Joshua. Dr. David Jeremiah looks at the man called upon to lead the children of Israel and how God prepared him for the task – just as He does today for those who obey His calling. 00:00 - Is God obligated to help you? 01:10 - Dr. Jeremiah's message - "Defeat: The Fear of Failure" 40:42 - Next Time on Turning Point Why Does God Let Bad Things Happen?:

Debt: The Fear of Financial Collapse | Dr. David Jeremiah | Psalm 37

The phrase, “In God we trust,” is printed on all United States currency. But no matter where you live, it should also be evident in your financial behavior. Dr. David Jeremiah considers the futility of pinning your hopes to material wealth when true riches come from trusting God. 00:00 - Fret Not 01:33 - Dr. Jeremiah's message - Debt: The Fear of Financial Collapse" 42:28 - Next Time on Turning Point Why Does God Let Bad Things Happen?:

Disease: The Fear of Serious Illness | Dr. David Jeremiah

As humanity continues in many ways to recover from a worldwide pandemic, an insidious side effect has infected millions of people: the epidemic of fear. Are you showing symptoms? Dr. David Jeremiah examines the fear of falling ill and turns to Hezekiah for help in treating it. 00:00 - God can heal any way He wants 01:23 - Dr. Jeremiah's message - "Disease: The Fear of Serious Illness" 42:58 - Next Time on Turning Point Why Does God Let Bad Things Happen?:

Disaster: The Fear of Natural Calamity | Dr. David Jeremiah

From tornadoes to tidal waves, earthquakes to hurricanes, natural disasters come in many forms, each capable of unimaginable death and destruction. Dr. David Jeremiah looks at disaster through the eyes of Job to ponder the question, Where is God when disaster strikes? 00:00 - The Devil is still at work 00:59 - Dr. Jeremiah's message - "Disaster: The Fear of Natural Calamity" 45:55 - Next Time on Turning Point What Does Got Let Bad Things Happen?:

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