Highlights from Dr. David Jeremiah’s Prophecy Series

Could we be living in the LAST DAYS? Everywhere we look, prophetic signs are appearing. But by exploring biblical prophecy, we can discover God's purpose for the chaos around us. Where Do We Go From Here?: https://bit.ly/3Xaudyq Warning Signs of the End Times: https://bit.ly/3X8oae1

The Final Exam | Dr. David Jeremiah | Job 38-42

Message Description: Imagine a student spending hours going to class and taking diligent notes, reading the textbook, completing all the projects, and going to study groups. Now imagine after all that work that the student failed the class because they didn’t complete the final exam. Yet many people go through life the same way. 00:00 - "My servant" 00:48 - Dr. Jeremiah's message - "The Final Exam" 41:37 - Join Us Next Time on Turning Point Strength for Today - 365 daily devotionals: https://bit.ly/4366e5T Why Does God Let Bad Things Happen?: https://bit.ly/3OQUIH7

Where is God When I Need Him? | Dr. David Jeremiah | Job 22-24

Have you ever felt like you’ve been judged unfairly? People are often very quick to judge when something goes wrong in our lives…even when they don’t know the details of the situation. And the reality of it all is that we’ve often done nothing to cause the difficult circumstance. This was certainly true of Job. 00:00 - Let the insults and accusations fly 02:42 - Dr. Jeremiah's message - "Where is God When I Need Him?" 39:21 - Next Time on Turning Point - "The Final Exam" Strength for Today - 365 daily devotionals: https://bit.ly/43dfHbK Why Does God Let Bad Things Happen?: https://bit.ly/45EBACj

God - My Enemy | Dr. David Jeremiah | Job 15-17

Christians often say, “God is in control.” It can be more of a reminder to ourselves than a declaration to others. Has anyone accused you of using the reminder as a crutch? If someone doesn’t know God, they can’t understand His control in our lives. Even people who know God can find themselves wondering if God is really there. 00:00 - Have you been angry at God? 02:44 - Dr. Jeremiah's message - "God - My Enemy" 40:11 - Next Time on Turning Point - "Where Is God When I Need Him?" Strength for Today - 365 daily devotionals: https://bit.ly/3OHh0v6 Why Does God Let Bad Things Happen?: https://bit.ly/3OR8LMV

Helping the Hurting | Dr. David Jeremiah | Job 4-7

Do you ever procrastinate about something God wants you to do? Maybe He’s nudging you to get involved and start serving at your church. Maybe He is leading you to begin the discipline of tithing. Or maybe God is calling you to a mission of mercy—He wants you to reach out to someone who is hurting, to show His love. 00:00 - Stuck in the barren present 01:43 - Dr. Jeremiah's message - "Helping the Hurting" 43:23 - Next Time on Turning Point - "God - My Enemy" Strength for Today - 365 daily devotionals: https://bit.ly/43pMzNR Why Does God Let Bad Things Happen?: https://bit.ly/3IQFHRQ

Dealing With Depression | Dr. David Jeremiah | Job 3:1-26

Message Description: It’s been called “the common cold of the soul,” and Christians are no more immune to it than anyone else. Dr. David Jeremiah looks at depression as it infiltrated Job’s life of suffering. 00:00 - It's not just a "case of the blues" 01:24 - Dr. Jeremiah's message - "Dealing With Depression" 40:36 - Next Time on Turning Point - "Helping the Hurting" Strength for Today - 365 daily devotionals: https://bit.ly/3oq3OA2 Why Does God Let Bad Things Happen?: https://bit.ly/3OQK835

When Trials Become Our Teacher | Dr. David Jeremiah | Job 2:1-13

Do you ever feel like Satan has been given special permission to torment you, and only you? That’s the backdrop to the story of Job. Dr. David Jeremiah reminds us that, ultimately, God is – and always will be – completely in control. It’s a lesson worth taking to heart. 00:00 - Got patience? 01:43 - Dr. Jeremiah's message - "When Trials Become Our Teacher" 39:25 - Next Time on Turning Point - "Dealing With Depression" Why Does God Let Bad Things Happen?: https://bit.ly/42UF7tZ

When God Made A Deal With the Devil | Dr. David Jeremiah | Job 1:1-22

How should Christians respond when calamity strikes? Can we grieve and still be godly? Dr. David Jeremiah offers answers from Job, who remained faithful in the face of tragedy. 00:00 - What would you do? 01:06 - Dr. Jeremiah's message - "When God Made Deal With the Devil" 42:28 - Next Time on Turning Point - "When Trials Become Our Teacher" Why Does God Let Bad Things Happen?: https://bit.ly/42Da4TM

Slaying the Giant of Jealousy | Dr. David Jeremiah

We’ve downplayed it, justified it, even colored it green to make it cute. But don’t be fooled – jealousy is a fiercely destructive emotion. Dr. David Jeremiah considers what makes jealousy so dangerous, how it spreads, and how you can keep its destructive influence out of your life. 00:00 - Resist envy with all your heart 04:08 - Dr. Jeremiah's message - "Slaying the Giant of Jealousy" 26:19 - Giant Slayer Scripture Cards Discover what the Bible says, what it means, and what it means for you: https://bit.ly/3V8vKnK Overcome Fear and other looming Giants in your Life: https://bit.ly/3mZwGhP

Slaying the Giant of Failure | Dr. David Jeremiah | 2 Corinthians 4:7-18

Why do some people bounce back immediately from failure, while for others failure seems to spiral like a destructive force through their entire lives? Dr. David Jeremiah offers some biblical insight, sharing some practical ways to keep your failings from giving the enemy a foothold in your life. 00:00 - Failure is not always sin 04:43 - Dr. Jeremiah's message - "Slaying the Giant of Failure" 35:41 - Giant Slayer Scripture Cards Discover what the Bible says, what it means, and what it means for you: https://bit.ly/43X2VP8 Overcome Fear and other looming Giants in your Life: https://bit.ly/3NdXPIi

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