Victory in a Trial

Even when you feel at the top of your game, you can count on hitting a slump sooner or later. In the next classic message from The Alternative broadcast, Dr. Tony Evans talks about what to do when that happens.

Surviving Life's Storms - Part 2

Life can get so stormy that we sometimes wonder if we’ll make it through OK. But on The Alternative broadcast, Dr. Tony Evans reveals that even when things are at their worst, there’s something bigger at play than the storm.

Surviving Life's Storms - Part 1

Life sooner or later hits all of us with unexpected problems—difficulties that we never thought we’d have to face. On The Alternative broadcast, Dr. Tony Evans reminds believers that they’ve already received the tools needed to weather the storms of life — the question is, will we use those tools — or panic and give up?

A Crisis that Cries for Revival

We often try to blame Satan when we find ourselves facing tough times. But coming up on The Alternative, Dr. Tony Evans will present another explanation... and why a crisis may be the best thing that ever happened to us.

Shaking Things Up for Revival

Childbirth is a painful process with a joyous result. On The Alternative, we’ll discover why revival is often the same. It's a look at the "labor pains" that can take place before our revival is "delivered."

Now is the Time for Revival

There are a lot of Christians running around who sound like they’ve experienced revival — but they’re as dead inside as ever. On The Alternative, Dr. Tony Evans explains that there are two parts to revival — and being only half revived isn’t enough.

The Key to Your Solemn Assembly

When a person — or a nation — makes the decision to turn to God, there are three vital steps needed to transform that idea into a reality. On The Alternative broadcast, we’ll explore what it takes to renew our relationship with the Lord.

When Government Replaces God

Government plays a vital role in keeping society from coming apart at the seams. But next time on The Alternative broadcast, we’ll learn what happens when government replaces God, and what it'll take to get our country’s priorities in order again.

Saints in a Secular Society

No matter how hard we try to protect our kids, sooner or later they'll come face-to-face with the world's value system and start feeling the pressure to conform to it. Join us for an important look at ways to keep our families firmly rooted in God’s kingdom.

Poison in the Pot

You may be a good cook, but messing with God’s recipe for living won't stir up anything but trouble. On The Alternative, Dr. Tony Evans explains how worldly ideas and solutions can “poison the pot” of God’s formula for the future. It’s a study on trust on The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans.

When A Nation Forgets God

Forget your keys and you’ll be inconvenienced. Forget your bills and you’ll pay a penalty. But when a person—or a whole nation—forgets God… well, the results are deadly. Find out more as we dig into the topic of ‘When a Nation Forgets God’.

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