How to Repair a Broken Faith
Matthew 5:29
How to Keep Your Spiritual Fire Burning
How do you measure your level of Spiritual fervor? How can you increase it? Dr. Adrian Rogers provides insight as to how in this edition of "Love Worth Finding".
Saved to Serve
Do you know why are you saved? Did you know that every church member is active? Dr. Adrian Rogers shares on these questions in today's edition of "Love Worth Finding".
The Things That Make for Peace
Unity in the Church is extremely important. Dr. Rogers shares three things about unity in the church in today's edition.
The Wake Up Call
With all the anarchy in the world, how is it that the church seems to be asleep?
Christian Citizenship
Why have many Christians dropped out of civic involvement? What is the role of the Christian as a citizen? Dr. Adrian Rogers shares the answer in today's episode of "Love Worth Finding".
Discovering Your Ministry
God didn't save you to just have you sit in church. What is your logical ministry? What does God want you to do? What are the four principles Dr. Rogers shares to help you discern your ministry?
The Secret of Effectual Prayer
While the Bermuda Triangle gets a lot of press, that is not the triangle that is most important. Dr. Rogers shares about the most important triangle in today's episode.
Is God Through With the Jews?
When you are looking into the mussel of a loaded cannon, how can Romans 11 be of help and encouragement?
When Faith Is in the Fire
How prepared are you for when your faith gets tested? Part of that answer will depend on what you have placed your faith in. What, or who, does Dr.Rogers should you put your faith in so as to endure the trials?
The Wings of Faith
"The need of the hour is for an earth-shaking, devil quaking faith." According to the Bible, what is faith? Find out by listening to the late Dr. Adrian Rogers in this edition of "Love Worth Finding".