HEAVEN–part 2
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
HEAVEN–part 1 (What it isn’t)
We’re in the studio now where the Sandbek family is in the middle of a discussion on our next topic –Heaven.Want to join in? OK, then, let’s see what’s on their mind.
If you were wondering if a particular person loved you, what would you look for? Barbara Sandbek has been sharing on the subject 'Intimacy with God' for the past few months. This program concludes this series as she identifies how we can truly show God we love him.
Intimacy by Identification
If you were in the middle of a crisis and needed someone to talk to, who would you choose...a person who has never experienced your pain or someone who has gone through what you're going through? On this program, Barbara continues her series on 'Intimacy with God' as she explores the subject of 'Intimacy by Identification'.
Intimacy Demands Respect!
Barbara Sandbek says, "What we all need is a HEALTHY FEAR OF ALMIGHTY GOD!" Why would she say that? Listen in and find out.
Intimacy Requires TRUST
What do you do when things don't go your way or adversity strikes? Do you lose faith in God? When Job's world came crashing in on him...what did he do? Listen to Barbara Sandbek and find out.
Keep Listening!
Barbara Sandbek has been taking us on a journey with the prophet Elijah. We’ve seen how God worked IN Elijah to groom his faith, and make him a man for the times, and how God worked THROUGH Elijah to call his unfaithful people, Israel, back to Himself. We’ve seen Elijah at his best at the Mt. Carmel showdown, and at his worst when he retreated from Queen Jezebel’s threat. On this program, Barbara will conclude this series, with a lesson from Elijah’s final days, and a summary of what we’ve learned from his life.
Testing precedes blessing
On our last program Barbara Sandbek talked about Elijah’s discouragement over Queen Jezebel’s threat to take his life. We saw how misplaced confidence, misplaced armor, misplaced energy,missed prayer, and missed rest, all contributed to bring him to the valley of despair. On this program,, Barbara will share a time in her life when she, too, faced discouragement.
Why the discouragement?
On this Grace Notes program, Barbara Sandbek will follow the prophet Elijah as he moves from his mountaintop experience, to the valley of depression. We’ll see what caused this seasoned man of God to succumb to the temptation to lose hope.
Persistence in prayer pays off
On our last progra, Barbara Sandbek took us to the showdown at Mt. Carmel, where Elijah, the lone prophet, single handedly, with the help of God, defeated the 450 prophets of Baal. It was not only a victory for him, but it finally convinced the Israelites that Jehovah is God. Baal, considered to be the Lord of the rain clouds, was powerless to give rain, even after the ecstatic raving of his prophets. What a dramatic demonstration of Baal’s impotence. With simplicity and dignity, Elijah rested his case on the certainty that the Lord would answer his prayer. Why? Because there is strength, power, and hope in the name of Lord.
Barbara Sandbek has been taking us on a journey with the prophet Elijah. As God’s spokesman, Elijah was called to deliver God’s unpopular message of doom to Ahab, the King of Israel. He told him that there would be no rain or dew on the land until he said so. After his speech, he followed God’s orders and hid in the wilderness for a time. From there God sent him to Zarephath where he learned the power of prayer, and the power experienced through waiting on God. During this 3 ½ year period, God blossomed Elijah’s faith. Now God has given Elijah his marching orders to go back to Ahab and finish the task he started – to bring revival to the land.