My360 Helper

Jeanette Clift George - Some Run With Feet of Clay

How did she cope with the church's negative attitude towards drama? Denny Milgate has "A Firsthand Conversation with" Christian actress and play writer, Jeanette Clift George about how she started in her career.

Frank Minirth - Christian Psychiatry

If a Christian stumbles at doing something he doesn't really want to do, can help come from Christian psychiatry? Today, Denny Milgate has "A Firsthand Conversation with" Dr. Frank Minirth, who brought Christian principles into mental healthcare.

Dr. Richard Strauss - Win the Battle for Your Mind

Are you aware of the battle going on for your mind? Are you helpless to do anything about it? What is the key to winning the battle for your mind? Denny Milgate interviews Dr. Richard Strauss about what you can and should do to win.

Gordon MacDonald - The Effective Father

Today, Denny Milgate has "A Firsthand Conversation with" Gordon MacDonald. How does someone become an effective father? How should a father respond to his children? How does a person balance career with family?

Dr. John MacArthur - Worship - The Ultimate Priority - Pt 2

Worship is just done on Sunday, right? Think again! Where does God fit into worship? Denny Milgate continues his interview with Dr. John MacArthur on the topic of worship as to how and why and when.

Dr. John MacArthur - Worship - The Ultimate Priority - Pt 1

Do you get a lot out of your church services? What change desperately needs to take place? What could be wrong? In this edition, Denny Milgate interviews Dr. John MacArthur on the topic of "What is worship?"

James Montgomery Boice - The Christ of Christmas

Since Christmas sneaks up on us each year, consider this: "How should a Christian celebrate Christmas?" How intentional are you at Christmas? How should/could you do things differently this year at Christmas? Dr, James Montgomery Boice is Denny Milgate's guest on this program and gives timeless food for thought.

Dr Earl Radmacher - You and Your Thoughts

Where does right thinking start? What is the Biblical book of Daniel all about? The answers Dr. Earl Radmacher gives may surprise you. Listen to Denny Milgate interview him in today's episode.

Dr. David Augsburger - Caring Enough to Confront

What does "niceness" mean? What about confrontation: is it ever right? Is there a right way to confront? In this edition, Denny Milgate has a firsthand conversation with Dr. David Augsburger, whose book, "Caring Enough to Confront" helped millions learn to improve their relationships.

Harold Burchett - People Helping People

Have you noticed that people are needy? Shouldn't someone do something to help them? What might you need to have and to consider in order for you to be that help? Denny Milgate interviews Pastor Harold Burchett on what should be considered in helping the hurting.

Dr. Bruce Narramore on Adolesence

Does God punish His children? Is there a difference between punishment and discipline? How is it going for you in raising teens? Listen in as Denny Milgate interviews Psychologist Dr. Bruce Narramore, providing great insight into the great task of raising teens.

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