Dale Evans Rogers - Trials, Tears and Triumph

Isn't being a Hollywood star supposed to be great and easy living? Denny Milgate has a "Firsthand Conversation with" Dale Evans Rogers, working through some of her challenges.

Charles Colson - Born Again - now in paperback

Why are Christians trying to get into prison? Denny Milgate has a "Firsthand Conversation with" Chuck Colson who served the President of the Untied States back in the 1970s.

Marti Hefley - In His Steps Today

What happens in a more modernized version of "In His Steps"? Denny Milgate has a "Firsthand Conversation with" Marti Hefley, discussing her book bringing the idea of thinking of what would Jesus do to today's world.

Tim Lahaye - The Battle for the Mind

What is humanism? Can you explain it or define it? Denny Milgate has a firsthand conversation with Tim Lahaye about the 5 steps of humanism. Which step is happening today?

Bob Vernon - The Married Man

Is there a relationship between crime in our streets and leadership in our homes? Denny Milgate has a firsthand conversation with Bob Vernon in today's program. Where are the men?

Chuck Swindoll - Improving Your Serve

"Most of us want to be, but most of us are not." What is the topic? Denny Milgate has a firsthand conversation with "Dr. Chuck Swindoll about being a servant. So, how is your serve?

Dr Dale Galloway - Dare to Discipline Yourself

What is something nobody wants but what everybody needs? What does "deny the lesser to gain the greater" really mean? Denny Milgate has "a Firsthand Conversation with" Dr. Dale Galloway, author of "Dare to Discipline Yourself".

Dr. William Backus - Telling Yourself the Truth

What mis-beliefs are you holding on to desperately? "Whenever a person is victimized by sustained negative emotion, one of the most primary causes is because we are telling ourselves anything but the truth". Denny Milgate has "a Firsthand Conversation with" Dr. William Backus.

Dr. C Everett Koop - What Ever Happened to the Human Race?

Abortion, infanticide and euthanasia are the topics spoken about as Denny Milgate has a firsthand conversation with Dr. C Everett Koop. Are they three dominoes?

Gene Getz - Building Up One Another

How can a church become a grandmother? Denny Milgate has a firsthand conversation with Dr. Gene Getz, who wrote on many of the "one another" injunctions in the Bible.

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