My360 Helper

Judgment Day is Coming

Just how much sin can God tolerate? Have you wondered how far you can go into a sinful lifestyle and get away with it?

Filled with the Spirit

What is meant by referring to someone as "on fire for the Lord"?

Where the Rubber Meets the Road

What is the real test of Christianity? Where is it tested best?

A New Refreshing Normal

Have you recently experienced a life changing event? What do you do when your life changes fast and without warning?

Marriage Peace is Missing

What can/should you do when your marriage hits the rock? How can your marriage thrive?

Fortify Your Family Against Satan

Is Satan is like a roaring lion, how can we be protected from him?

The Dating Game

What four questions should you ask yourself before you marry? Listen to Dr. Jeff Schreve's suggested list in this "Real Hope Minute"

What's Your Weakness?

Even though you don't like having them, you do have weaknesses? What can you do about it?

The Taming of the Tongue

Do you know which is the strongest muscle in your body? How well you control it determines much in life, but how can you control it?

Just Say No

How is sin like a lonely little cancer cell?

Standing Up for Truth

What has really happened due to the moral revolution?

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