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1 Peter 1:17-25

When gold is refined, the first step is melting it so it becomes pure. In our continuing study of 1 Peter, we’re reminded that every trial we face is good and allowed by God for a similar process—one that refines us and purifies our hearts.

1 Peter 1:10-16

We’re living in an amazing time—in the valley between two mountain peaks, as Dr. McGee describes it. One peak represents the suffering of Jesus Christ, which is past, and the other peak is the glory of Jesus Christ, which is yet in the future. Find out why this time is so special, and how the Holy Spirit is central to our lives.

1 Peter 1:7-9

Someday soon, Jesus Christ is coming again. That’s the terrific reminder our , Dr. J. Vernon McGee, gives us as we discover the importance of trials in our lives and see how God uses them to bring us closer to Him.

1 Peter 1:3-6

Why do God’s children suffer? Difficult question, isn’t it? Fortunately, God’s Word has a lot to say for those going through hard times. In this study, the apostle Peter addresses Christians who were facing all kinds of trials and reminds us how wonderful it is to be a child of the King.

1 Peter 1:2

Today’s study brings us to a tough subject—in fact, Dr. J. Vernon McGee calls it “difficult:” The doctrine of election.

1 Peter 1:1

Hope in the midst of trials. That’s what we’re studying as our teacher, Dr. J. Vernon McGee, begins our study of 1 Peter with an important introduction to this book and to the man who wrote it.

Joel 3:1-21

Our study in the Old Testament book of Joel concludes as we take one final look at the Day of the Lord. Hear the prophet describe the Tribulation, Jesus Christ’s second coming, the final judgement, and much more.

Joel 2:26-3:1

Does Acts, chapter 2, fulfill a prophecy made by the prophet Joel long before? Or is there another explanation? Dr. J. Vernon McGee answers that question in this study, along with an explanation of how to recognize when a New Testament passage reveals a fulfilled prophesy from the Old Testament.

Joel 2:15-25

“God is waiting and willing for you to come to him today.” That’s the good news we’ll hear from Dr. McGee in this study on repentance and God’s promises of deliverance—extending our view of God’s plans all the way to the Great Tribulation, the Millennium, and beyond.

Joel 2:4-14

Does God try to get our attention by sending natural disasters like earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, famines, or plagues? Dr. McGee answers these questions and more in our continuing study of the Day of the Lord in the Old Testament book of Joel.

Joel 2:1-4

In this study, we trace a thread through the Old Testament book of Joel to describe an event still future called “the Day of the Lord.” But what is it? And why is it important to the future of all mankind?

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