That God May Be Known
What is the purpose of God in revealing Himself in the world by His word, especially in the Lord Jesus Christ? It is that He might be known. He forgives sins, makes one's heart new, so that by the Spirit of Christ, the believer might truly have communion with Him. It is in coming to know God, and walking in communion that the knowledge of Him is spread abroad.
The Songs That Never Age
The songs of the Bible never age, for they were inspired by the Spirit of God. When a believer takes these psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, quickens them to the heart, they become real, applicable, and a true means of worshipping and serving God. His truths are revealed in them, and by those trues faith takes wings and soars in joyful praise and blessing of God.
The Power Of Jesus' Name
Why is the name of Jesus so powerful? That name represents all that Jesus is in His humanity, and at the same time, all that the Son of God is in His glory and power. The power and grace of God are associated with that name, and by it, are brought to bear upon the need at hand by the one wielding it. By the Spirit, according to the will of God, that name sovereignly works to glorify the Father by the wondrous works that Christ accomplishes in the world, and on earth.
Standing In The Gap By Intercession
What is God's way to reach the lost, save a nation, build His church? He looks for a man, a person who will "stand in the gap" between Him and the object. For lost man whom God seeks, He looks for an intercessor, as well as a nation that He will restore and save. As to the church, Paul's words ring loud and clear today, "...I cease not to pray for you." Here is God's way, an intercessor standing, praying, appealing to God for His mercy to be revealed again and again.
Out Of The Heart
It is in the heart, that very throne room of the soul, where the issues of eternity are decided concerning the eternal things of God. The old heart is that dominated by sin, self, and Satan. The new heart which God gives is one that is resigned, and meet, " dear Redeemer's throne." It is the place where Christ dwells, to keep clean, and to fill with His blessed life.
Open Doors
What is an open door but an opportunity for passage, usefulness, or fruitfulness. For John the Apostle, when a door in heaven was opened, it was an opportunity to worship God in an more extensive way because of the revelation of God the Father, and Christ. For the Apostle Paul, it was an opportunity given by God for ministry, a breach in the wall of opposition to the gospel from a spiritual standpoint, to preach the Gospel to many held in darkness. Christ is the primary "door," for by Him one can come to God, to know, worship, and serve Him. He is the opportunity for fellowship with God.
A Small Answer To A Big Problem
God delights to use small and insignificant things from the world's perspective to demonstrate that He is Lord and God. He does this by using the littleness of men, directed by Him, and in response to faith, to confound and put to flight His enemies. This He did with Ester.
What Is The Worth Of A Man
True worth is something attributed by God. It is a value, a preciousness that He sets on an individual. Its standard is not necessarily what that person is, but what that person can become in Jesus Christ. The day that the gift of Christ, and His righteousness is received by faith, the beauty of Christ's goodness and grace belongs to him. It all began in the heart of God, revealed in Christ, and brought to pass by the Spirit, by the individual responding to the call: "Whosoever will may come."
The Prayer For Powerful Blessing
How is it possible to receive the power of God, first of all to be born again of the Spirit, and then to appropriate that power of Christ every day to live in a manner worthy of Him? Jesus instructed the disciples to pray and wait in faith. This they did in unity of mind and heart, no dissention, no controversy between them. With one heart they quietly and earnestly sought God the Father for the fulfillment of the promise. Power was given to them by the Spirit.
The Keys And The Confirmation Of Faith
What is a key but an instrument by which doors are opened or closed? God in Christ is the possessor of all the keys of the kingdom, for He opens and closes doors by His authority and power. The Apostle Peter Christ gave the keys of the kingdom, with the express objective of using them to use the authority of God to open and close doors of opportunity, and to set the captive free. Those keys have also been given to the church, to be received, and used by faith according to the will of God, to see His glory revealed, and manifested.