The Greatest Reward

What is the greatest reward of the one who truly trusts in God, in Christ, for salvation? It is Christ Himself, the knowledge of God. The Lord Jesus spoke of true, and eternal Life as, being the knowledge of Him, and the Father, by the Spirit. To know God, and to have Christ as the ultimate goal, and even means of obtaining it, is true blessing, and the greatest reward.

The Anticipated Fruitfulness

To live by faith is to set one's hope and expectation upon God who is faithful to accomplish all that He has promised. The great challenge to faith is often that of time, and manner, for God chooses His way, time, place, and means to accomplish His will. The certainty of faith lies in the fact of God's faithfulness according to His promise.

How to Meet The Coming Flood

How is the believer to overcome, and conquer, doing the will of God and living victoriously, working for the advancement of the kingdom of God, when the clouds of adversity and opposition are on the horizon? One comes back to the basics of Christ, and Him alone, the appropriation of His life and victory. It is on the basis of Christ's finished work, and the absolute dependence upon the Spirit of God, that His power is given to overcome, and finish well the race.

The Man From The East

Isaiah speaks of a man coming from the East. He was referring in part to Cyrus the Great, who would play a significant role in the rebuilding of the temple after the deportation of Israel. There is another, more significant, man who will come from the East, and it is the Lord Jesus Christ, the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. Just as Cyrus was prophesied as coming, so, and in a much greater manner and significance, will the coming of the Son of Man, Christ Himself.

The Lampstand To The World

It is God who creates lampstands, and He does so with people, churches, and nations. That which He creates is for the purpose of revealing, or showing forth, His blessed light to the world, that with the knowledge of the truth, and the glory of God, many will come to a saving knowledge of Christ.

The Keeper Of Our Souls

How is it that the believer can believe God to be his Keeper, the Keeper of his soul, as well as the One who keeps him in life? It is because of the commitment of God to the believer, and the proof of His faithfulness to keep that which is His. Add to this the Almighty power and authority of God over all the power of the enemy, even death itself. He is the only perfect Keeper of the soul.

The Hope That Endures

Hope that is of God and in God, is a very powerful means for enduring the difficult thing. Why? It is because it is founded IN God, and according to the will of God. God will accomplish that which He has promised, for He is faithful. One can endure when one knows for certain, according to the faithfulness of God, that He will work wonderfully.

Standing Up To Hear God's Voice

Attentiveness is key to hearing what God by His Spirit speaks to us. If we would hear Christ's voice, by the Spirit, then we need to be both sill and expectant, relying wholly upon God to work by the Spirit. This He will do if He can find one who is willing to receive His word for God's glory.

God's Confirmation Of Peace

God is a God of peace. He communicates His peace to the believer by the Spirit. In fact, one of the fruits of the Spirit is peace. So, how does the Lord communicate to us what is a right decision or not? Is it not the peace which He gives, confirming the decision to the heart? The believer is called upon to let the peace of God RULE in the heart, confirming His will and blessing.

The Promises For The Conquest

Always with the commands of God, come the promises of God's provision. Indeed, this is how God works to reveal Himself to us, and to make known His faithfulness. He bids us "walk on water," and then provides for doing so. Paul's words are so very clear on this matter: "Faithful is He who calls you, who also will do it." This applies very aptly to the conquest in which the believer finds himself.

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