Joy Breaking Forth
When God reveals His goodness, He does so by giving, first of Himself, and then those things which are good. Because He is love, He delights to do that which is good, and for the benefit and blessing of others, especially as it applies to the eternal well-being of men. When the birth of Christ was announced to the shepherds there was great joy in heaven, a joy that would be also known on earth, and revealed in the hearts of those who were waiting for His coming.
The Perfection Of God
How is it possible to be perfect, as God is perfect? There is only one way, and it was won for mankind upon the cross of Calvary. The righteousness of the perfect Son of Man, Son of God, Christ Himself, can only be a gift from God to the lost, but seeking sinner. When the soul turns to Christ, trusting Him for full salvation, Christ's righteousness in all of its perfection is given. From that day forward, the believer, while he is on this earth, is daily becoming what he already is, perfect in Christ.
The Well That Never Runs Dry
What is it about the magnitude of Christianity that makes it so extraordinary? The answer lies in a "well that never runs dry," and this because the Lord Jesus Christ is both the water and the well, infinite in the entirety of His being, fully able to meet every need of every believer on the face of the earth, regardless of time and circumstance. He is endless life, as the well, filled with living water, is endless in its depth.
The Power To Proceed
Where does the power come from to continue to pursue that which is right, that which is of God? It comes from Christ, who IS our power and strength. It is as the believer takes Christ as his power, that Christ strengthens the soul to lay hold of Him, receiving from Him all that is needful for the doing of the will of God, and the advancing of His kingdom.
The Fathomless Calling Of God
How deep and far-reaching is the calling of God? It is as great and profound as God is Himself, for it is an extension of Himself. The calling of God, like His Word, is as changeless as He is. And yet, though the calling can never be fully grasped and understood this side of heaven, God reveals aspects of that calling to the heart, so that by faith, the believer can prove, trust, and know Him according to it.
Readiness For Christ's Return
What does it mean to be ready for Christ's coming? Does it not mean that there be no cloud between us and Christ, no controversy or contradiction? It means doing whatever is necessary to be free in heart and mind, soul, spirit, and body, to welcome the Lord in His fulness. Readiness is longing for Christ's return, living in communion with Him, being faithfully about His business.
Knowing Christ In Daily Devotionals
Christ is known in worship, specifically in that place of aloneness with Him, trusting Him according to his faithful word. When Christ calls a person to Himself, it is a calling to fellowship with, to commune with Him. The calling is individual, personal, and profound. It is life changing. Indeed, those who would live consistently in communion with Christ, will begin to resemble Him, for one becomes like the company one keeps.
True Discipleship
What does it mean to be a true disciple of Christ, but that first of all it means belonging to Him first and foremost, by love and devotion, in response to the call of God to live for Christ, and to minister by Christ. True discipleship is the attitude and action of learning from Christ all that one can possibly learn from Him, and then, led by the Spirit, teaching that learned to others, that they might in turn teach. The true disciple begets true disciples by the Spirit, according to the truth of God's word.
The Revelation Of Christ To The Heart
What makes knowing God in Christ so very real? It is the revelation of Christ to the heart. Paul wrote that it pleased God at a certain time to reveal His Son in him. This one truth, and reality, changed the entire life of the Apostle Paul. And so it will change us, if we trust God to witness to our spirits, not only that we are His, but that He will supply every need according to His riches in glory in Christ.
The Person And Power Of The Resurrection
Why is the resurrection of Christ from the dead so very important? First and foremost, it reveals to us the divinity of Christ, that Christ is God, with the Father, and the Spirit. Secondly, it reveals to us that the last great enemy death, has been conquered, and that there is the certainty of knowing the very same power of the resurrection in order to be forever with the Lord.