Seeking And Finding Things Above

Is it possible with feet of clay, to receive things from above, where Christ sits at the right hand of God? Does not the Almighty, Eternal Christ, hear the call of the heart, and recognize the seeking soul. The believer is called to actively seek, in prayer and faith, things which are above, and to KNOW the sufficiency, and faithfulness of Christ who provides.

Regaining One's Feet

The believer, though he be a good soldier, is not a perfect one. There are blows and attacks of the enemy, even one's own weaknesses, which at times, cause him to stumble, even fall, in his attitude of faith. Faith is tried at times, in order to purify it. The great assurance of the believer is the knowledge that Christ will never leave, nor forsake him. In union with Christ forever, He hears the cry of the heart, and the Spirit strengthens the soul to rise again, regaining one's feet.

Meeting God In The Morning

What does it mean to meet God in the morning? What does it mean to truly draw near to God? God has provided perfectly, and eternally, in Christ, for the believer to KNOW the reality of being accepted in the Beloved, and the nearness of God's presence. Christ, by His Spirit, speaks through the word of God when the individual believer comes aside alone to truly seek Him.

By Faith Not By Sight

The call of God to man, with regard to the revelation of the glory of God in nature, and in the Lord Jesus, is that of faith, faith in the faithfulness of God. To the one who will call upon God in sincerity and honesty, God will answer, giving to that one faith to come, and receive His grace and mercy...and the blessing of eternal life.

The King Of The Kingdom

Who is the King of glory, but Christ? And who possesses all the power and authority, in heaven and earth, to rule in His kingdom? None other than Christ the King. He is revealed to man, so that man will come to trust Him fully, and submit to His authority entirely. This is great fatih.

The Everlasting Faithfulness Of God

What is the faithfulness of God, and how can we know it? It is that characteristic of the nature of God whereby He commits Himself to fulfill every word that proceeds out of His mouth. His promises are stepping stones of discovery, with regard to His faithfulness. Can He find in us those who will trust His faithfulness, and be faithful ourselves.

The Eternal Blessing And Response

All that God does is eternal. His blessing of men is no exception. That which He requires of men is a response to His overtures to trust and obey Him. The man who truly sees, and grasps the blessing of God is that one who is truly thankful, going forward, following Christ.

The Day Of March Has Come

Life is comprised of time periods divided into days. Each of those days is very important, in that it is a gift of God, concerning opportunity, responsibility, and blessing. There comes a day also when the command comes to go forward, into battle, in the will of God, armed with God's supplied armor, there to face the foe, and overcome him.

Restoring The Soul

Is it possible for the Almighty God to restore the soul of a sinful man? How can One so great, glorious, and wonderful, work so minutely, and profoundly in the heart to restore that soul to fellowship with God? It is by the cleansing of the heart, and the quickening of the Spirit.

Knowing God As A Person

Can man truly know God? How is it possible since, from a natural standpoint man is of a different nature than God? God is known because He takes the initiative to reveal Himself to the heart and mind of the individual. He does this through creation, but primarily, and most completely through the Lord Jesus Christ.

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