The Unexpected

The Canadian based, multimillion-dollar, Cirque du Soleil is known for its innovation, strategic risk-taking, and pushing the envelope. When looking for new talent, Cirque du Soleil scouts often ask candidates to do something totally unexpected at an audition, such as climb a rope and sing a song at the top. If the candidate shows any hesitation, they’re generally out the door. In the Bible, we see Jesus doing a similar thing. He says, “Drop what you’re doing and follow me.” “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” Jesus asks of us - the totally unexpected. So, don’t hesitate!


Have you ever dreamt of receiving an unexpected large inheritance? Maybe some distant uncle you’ve never met somehow leaves you a huge sum of money and a mansion? You’re suddenly wealthy by no effort of your own! As believers in Christ, we’ve received an inheritance. An undeserved, un-worked for inheritance that doesn’t come with unpaid property taxes. The Apostle Paul says in Ephesians chapter 1 that “In Christ we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will” This inheritance is everlasting life. It’s the gift of his Holy Spirit in you, and a peace above all understanding. You may not have a distant, diseased, wealthy uncle- but in Christ, spiritually, you are rich beyond measure!

From Failure to Success

I hate making mistakes. Yet, did you know so many inventions we use today were created by accident? Stirring a pot of chemicals in 1826, John Walker pulled his wooden stir stick out of the pot and tried to wipe the glob of chemicals stuck on the table. Instead of wiping off, the chemicals ignited. As a result, matches were born! And simply by using the wrong resistor in a device led medical researcher Wilson Greatbatch to develop the pacemaker. We often make mistakes in life. We’re not perfect. But the good news is that God is in the restoration business. So, if you’ve made a mistake, take your concerns to God and allow Him to turn your failures into a success.

Who You Really Are

Middle school is an incredibly difficult time in life. As a teenager, you’re trying to figure out who you are and where you belong. We may even try on different personalities to see what sticks. Someone who loves to read and play music may begin acting like jock to fit in with the basketball team. Or a kind-spirited girl may start acting mean to fit in with the popular girls. But, to everyone around them, the contrast between who they are and who they’re pretending to be is quite apparent. The Apostle Paul reminds us believers that we no longer live according to the flesh but by the spirit. So, be the uniquely created work of art God has created you to be.


We often take trees for granted. Maybe we don’t think twice when we see half a forest removed to make way for more homes. But trees serve an important role in the function of our world. As they take in the carbon dioxide that we humans exhale, trees in turn produce oxygen for us to breathe. It’s the perfect symbiotic relationship. Sometimes we’re tempted to think that we can function apart from God. Nothing could be further from the truth! He involves Himself in our lives even when we don’t notice, nurturing and protecting when we’re unable to do so ourselves. This too is a perfect relationship. If you don’t know Him, ask God to make Himself known to you today.

Is there a God?

Many Christians, when speaking to unbelievers, may get a little off track as they share specific theologies, doctrines, denominational differences. But the simplest place to start is this- Do you believe in God? Even as believers, most of us have had periods in life where we question. Whether it’s in the wake of a tragedy or doubts in certain interpretations of scripture. If this is you or you want to know how to speak to unbelievers, I want to introduce you to a really cool website. is a site where you can find answers to all kinds of questions about God and faith. Here you can ask questions of your own or sign up to receive study packets that present the gospel and lay out a beautiful case for the existence of God. So, check it out-


I think most of us would think of rain as a negative thing. Maybe you planned a camping trip- and as soon as you begin to setup camp it starts pouring. Rain was the last thing you wanted on this trip. But if you’re a farmer and your crops are failing- rain could be the difference between a successful year and financial failure. The Bible says that God pours out His blessings like a gentle rain. What a fitting description of the God of the universe! It gives us a clear picture of the Creator caring for us even in the middle of difficult times. Maybe rain isn’t so bad after all. The next time you’re caught in a storm think of God- constantly pouring out His blessings in your life.

False Summit

Mountain climbers have a concept called the “false summit”. During a climb they’ll often get to what they think is the peak, only to realize they’re at the bottom of an even larger mountain. This is a great spiritual lesson too. I can think of the times in my life where I wasn’t listening to God. I was trying to go my own way. This is usually the way seems easier, until you realize you’ve only reached the bottom of a much larger mountain. Are you on the right path? Are you listening to God and what He wants for your life? Make sure your peak isn’t a false summit.

Everybody can Serve

Volunteering has a meaningful, positive impact on your community. But did you know that volunteering also benefits you personally? Beyond the intangible benefits such as pride and accomplishment, there is also a strong relationship between volunteering and health. Studies have shown that those who volunteer have lower mortality rates, greater functional ability, and lower rates of depression later in life. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “Everybody can be great, because everybody can serve.” So consider volunteering! Not only will it strengthen your community and improve lives; it may even transform your own.


When a disaster strikes- it impacts everyone. When a hurricane makes landfall- it doesn’t matter who you are or where you come from- everyone is suddenly in the same boat. It’s often during these tragedies that we see neighbors lean on each other in a way they never have prior. But what if we learned to live life as a community without the impending destruction of a storm? Dependence tends to have a negative connotation in American society where individualism is praised above all else. But relying on one another can introduce a new concept – realizing how dependent we really are upon each other. Begin approaching the problems of life together. Then see how a burden that’s shared is lightened.

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