The Fox and the Hare

In the old fable, the rabbit wins the race against the fox. Following the race an owl asked the fox “Why didn’t you catch that rabbit?” “Well,” panted the fox, “I was running for fun, but that rabbit was running for his life!” Why are you running the “race of life?” Maybe you just want a good time. Maybe your goal is prosperity or fame. Maybe you run without knowing why. If you’re looking for some direction in life, reach out to God. He has a plan for your life- to give you hope and a future. We’re all in this race, but if you want to run a race worth the effort- follow God’s plan for your life.

From Bad to Good

One question I hear often is, “If God really loves me, then why am I going through such a hard time?” Well, God never promised us that life would be without difficulty. He’s given each of us a free will. And like a rock, when thrown into the water makes ripples over the entire pond, frivolous choices made by us or others can cause problems. But be encouraged because the Bible tells us that God “…causes all things to work together for our good.” So the next time a problem comes your way, ask God how to handle it. Then, let Him use it to bring good into your life.

Farming Faith

Recently, I’ve gained a new hobby in gardening. We built a raised bed and planted kale, peppers, tomatoes, and peas from seeds. Through daily watering, cleaning of debris, and a ton of patience- last night we made a salad from vegetables we grew in our own backyard! That was so rewarding- and delicious. I’ve often found that in my walk with God, patience is key. It takes time to see what He’s growing in our lives. And it takes our participation to move as His Spirit guides us. If I planted those seeds in my garden but did nothing else, weeds would have taken over, the plants wouldn’t have received the water they needed and- no salad for us. So, if you find yourself in a season of significant spiritual growth- think like a farmer. Work and wait. The spiritual fruit grown in your life will be your reward.

The Beauty in the Broken

I have a friend who is an incredibly talented artist. He works in wood and metal- making beautiful pieces like tables, chandeliers, and kinetic sculptures. The thing that sets him apart though, is that he only works with material that was destined to be trash. Broken wood slabs, rusted bike parts, you name it. Digging through piles of dilapidated materials, he sees the beauty in the broken. I am so grateful that God sees the same in us. Life is hard. But He gets us. Maybe you’ve felt like scrap metal at times- pushed to the limits, ready to be discarded. But no one is ever too far gone for God. He can take the pain and turn it into life lessons. Take what the enemy meant for your demise and turn it into a testimony. No matter where you are in life- you are God’s masterpiece.

Beauty is Only Skin Deep

We live in a culture obsessed with beauty. Not long ago, an 8-year-old girl and her mother appeared on Good Morning America to explain why the girl was receiving Botox injections. The child, who was a participant in child beauty pageants, believed she had wrinkles on her face, and she wanted them gone. The Bible says that “man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” God’s concern is who we are on the inside. Are we loving, caring and kind people? Or are we too self-centered to notice our neighbor in need? Focus on character before looks. Because beauty is only skin deep.


Many drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs require their patients to invite a member of the family to the facility to listen to them confess their weaknesses. A nurse told the story of a man who invited his father to one of these meetings. The father, after hearing his son’s confession, stood up and said to the group, “I have never loved my son more than I do right now.” The son received the strength he needed to move forward in his life. What if you had the unconditional love of a father? Well, you do. And He is waiting patiently for you. Pray and confess your problems to God today.

What’s in a Name?

Is there a story behind your name? Often, the names we were given are family names. Carrying the memory of a loved one in the next generation. But no matter where your name came from, names are important. The actor and poet Jude Idada said, “Names are powerful and are prophecies of the future. The name you are called is a sign of what you are and what you would become.” Throughout the Bible names have always had tremendous significance. None more important than the name of our Savoir. Isaiah 7:14 says. “Therefore, the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.” Immanuel means “God with us”. The very name of Jesus was a reminder that God wrapped Himself in human flesh and became one of us so that He would die in our place. The Creator of the Heavens and Earth He knows your name. Do you know Him?

What is Worship?

What do you love? What’s something that you’d pay anything to experience? A concert? A car? A sporting event? And have you ever been in a place where the enthusiasm is just so contagious that you can’t help but join in? Whether you realize it or not, this is worship. Whatever it is that you pour yourself into and place the highest possible amount of value on is the object that you worship. You were made to worship. So what do you worship? Hopefully it’s not a car, a sports team, or an entertainer. It wasn’t God’s intention for you to worship other parts of His creation – He longs for you to worship Him.

We Need Each Other

Has something good happened to you recently? Have you taken the time to tell someone about it? Or. Are you experiencing some difficulties in your life? Have you been brave enough to share them with a close friend? No matter what you’re going through- the good and the bad, it’s important to have people in our lives we can share with. We humans were designed to be in community with each other. We were meant to share life together – to help each other bear the weight of the bad and to celebrate the joys of life. The Bible speaks about this where it says, “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up.” Remember, we’re all in this together.

Wonderfully Made

In Psalm 139 verse 14 the psalmist writes, “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” In today’s culture, we’re lead to believe that the way we look dictates our worth. If we’re not thin enough or muscular enough, or if we don’t look like the person on the cover of a magazine, then we’re not worth much. The truth is we’re created by God and made in His image. We should be celebrating His work. That’s us – you and me. He loves who we are, not just the way we look. So give thanks to God today because you are fearfully and wonderfully made.

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