Greater than a Picture
It’s been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Think about some of the more stunning photos that you’ve seen lately. What have those pictures communicated to you? The photographer searches for the perfect shot just so she can speak through her lens. Did you know that God created the earth and all its beauty to try to communicate to us? I’m sure you’ll agree that while a picture of the Grand Canyon can be great, it will pale in comparison to the real thing seen with your own eyes. So, look around – what’s God saying to you today through the majesty of creation?
Let it Go
Have you ever said or done something that you regret? Maybe in the heat of the moment, you’ve lashed out at a co-worker because of something relatively insignificant. The feelings of guilt that are generated by regret don’t feel good. We long for ways to take back what was said or done. Author Tony Campolo once said that “the past has a way of draining energy from the present.” What’s been done in the past, while regrettable, needs to be forgiven and forgotten. Ask for forgiveness then, move ahead in life. Put the past behind you. Campolo continued to say that “the One who is the ground of all being forgives and forgets.” Let your regrets go and find freedom in God.
Known by Name
Our sun is just one among more than a billion stars in our galaxy. One of these stars alone, the Pistol Star, could contain a million stars the size of our sun within its sphere. And our Milky Way is not even a huge galaxy! Our neighbor, the Andromeda Spiral, contains about 400 billion stars. Scientists estimate that there are billions of galaxies, each containing even more stars. Scripture tells us that our Creator God determined the number of stars and that He calls them each by name. Not only can God count them, but He has named them. The Bible says that He also knows you by name! Do you know Him?
Thin Places
There’s a beautiful image from the Celtic tradition called Thin Places. A “thin place” is a place where the boundary between heaven and earth is especially thin. It’s a place where it’s possible to touch and be touched by God; a place where He seems more readily present. This begs the question: Do you have enough Thin Places in your life? If not, you’re not alone. Artist Georgia O’Keefe once said: “Nobody sees a flower, really; it’s so small. We haven’t time, and to see- takes time.” We live frenzied lives, and desperately need Thin Places where we experience God’s presence. So do your best to find a Thin Place today!
God and Veggies
A sliced carrot looks exactly like the human eye; particularly the pupil, iris, and radiating lines. And science shows that carrots greatly enhance both the blood flow to the eyes and their function. A tomato has four chambers and is red, just like the heart. Plus, tomatoes are loaded with lycopine, which strengthens the heart. Is this mere coincidence? I don’t think so! You see, God as our Creator made and provided what we would need even before we were born. Scripture tells us that this same God knows what we need even before we ask. Find comfort in that today and when you eat your veggies, thank Him!
You Are a Work of Art
The human body is amazing! It contains sixty trillion cells that have all been carefully organized to perform life’s various functions harmoniously. The nose can recognize up to 10,000 different aromas. The tongue has about 6,000 taste buds. The body has so many blood vessels that their combined length could circle the planet two-and-a-half times. Did you realize that you are such a masterpiece? Psalm 139: 13 and 14, says, “You are the One who put me together inside my mother’s body, and I praise you because of the wonderful way you created me.” Be aware today that you are truly a grand work of art!
One Degree
Pilots say that when flying, for every degree you fly off course you’ll miss your target landing spot by 92 feet for every mile flown. That amounts to being about one mile off target for every 60 feet you fly. The longer you travel off course, the further you’ll be from the intended target. Being only one degree off can make a critical difference in where you will land! But just as it’s hard to recognize being one degree off while flying at 30,000 feet, it’s also hard to realize “one degree failures” in our lives. We need a crystal clear flight plan. And with God as your pilot, your safe arrival at the final destination is guaranteed!
In most sports, there’s some sort of play-off or tournament to determine the overall champion. Even if you’re not a sports fan, it’s hard to ignore the hard work and dedication that it takes to become the champions. Winning in life takes a lot of hard work and dedication as well. An encouragement found in the Bible tells us to “forget what is behind and press on toward the goal that’s ahead”. When we keep our eyes on the prize, the Holy Spirit will direct our steps. If you’re currently feeling defeated- but you’re hearing this message right now, the race is far from over. Trust God and move forward.
What Really Matters
This past Sunday I saw a little girl raising her hands while we were singing in church. While she was raising her hands, she was looking around to make sure that everyone else was still raising theirs. She was imitating her grandparents- and looking for reassurance that she was doing it right. I wonder how many times you and I were so concerned with what everyone else was doing that we missed out on the opportunity to really worship God. Today, let’s choose to be more responsive to God’s leading in our lives than to the fear of being judged by someone else. What God thinks of us is what really matters.
Researchers asked a group of people to make a list, once a week for ten weeks, of five things they were thankful for. Other groups in the study wrote different kinds of weekly lists, such as five key events. The “thankful” group felt more happiness, excitement, and joy than the other groups. They even reported better physical health – fewer headaches and coughs. Paul tells the Colossians in chapter 2 that they should continue to live in Christ, strengthened in their faith and overflowing with thankfulness. So, try this out! Make a list today of things God has given you to be thankful for. You’ll probably feel better!