Hair Care

We have 100,000 to 150,000 hairs on our heads, and we spend a great deal of time and money on them. In fact, in the United States, we spend about $7.5 billion dollars a year on our hair. We frequent salons for cuts, styles, perms, highlights, and color. We buy blow dryers, curling irons, and flat irons. We routinely use shampoos and conditioners, moisturizers and pomades, sprays and gels. We obviously care about our hair. But as much as we care about our own, God cares even more. The Bible tells us that even the very hairs on our head are numbered. He knows you that well. How well do you know Him?

The Right Tool

If you’re even remotely handy, I’m sure you have a tool drawer if not a proper toolbox in your house. If you’re hanging a picture, you know where to find a hammer. If the hinges to a door are loose, you know where to find a screwdriver. You know right where to look to find the perfect tool for the job. Our relationship with scripture should be like this too. Maybe you’re struggling with a relationship- read 1st Peter chapter 4. Or maybe you’re looking for wisdom about your finances; try Romans 13. Or maybe you’re grieving the loss of a loved one. The Bible is full of encouraging words like Psalm 34: “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit”. When your spirit is in need of repair, turn to the Word of God and let it be a toolbox for life.


You’re driving to work on your usual route when you see the dreaded sign- “Road Closed ahead”. There’s a detour. This seems like a plot to ruin your plans. It’s only after you pass the roadblock that you understand the reason for the detour. In the Bible God tells us, “For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you.” How many detours have you taken in life? While it may seem that God is placing detours in our life to ruin our plans, He’s really directing us to a safer path, away from danger. When you encounter a detour in life, will you thank God for the opportunity to drive down the safer road that He offers?

The Calm After the Storm

Have you heard the expression: "The calm after the storm?” We may think of the anxiety-filled calm as we wait and watch as another hurricane looms close to shore. But what about the calm in its wake? After the storm, the survivors have to make a great effort to rebuild and recover the valuable things they lost during the storm. And do it while grieving for the family and friends they’ve lost. And all this can lead to an existential, emotional and spiritual crisis. However, after the storm a rainbow appears as well. As a symbol of hope. Jesus is our hope. And He helps us face trials and be victorious. If you’re recovering from a physical or spiritual storm, trust in God. Only then can we rebuild.

Michelin Star

In the culinary world, there is no greater honor than to receive a Michelin star. This system awards chefs and restaurants with 1 to 3 stars. But even earning one is an incredible achievement. From the food and presentation, to the arrangement of silverware on the table and the knowledge of the wait staff- everything is taken into consideration. However, while there are Michelin star chefs, there are no Michelin starred servers. In the Kingdom of God, we all have a calling. Not everyone is called to be the pastor or worship leader. But whether your role is out front or quietly feeding the hungry, every believer is called to bring the Kingdom to our communities. While you may not have a Michelin star, even the little things are noticed by God.

Work out Your Salvation

A few years ago, I had the opportunity to host a breakout session at a Salvation Army Youth camp about evangelism. After the session a young guy stayed back and poured out his heart to me. He had recently given His life to Christ, but his family didn’t believe like him. He had been arguing with his sisters about how to quote “properly be baptized” and whether or not a Christian should celebrate Christmas. I could tell that all of this confusion and friction in his home was hurting him. But in this moment, I feel that God gave me the words to tell this kid to breathe and be at peace with God. Look, we don’t have to have all our theology figured out the day we accept Christ. Throughout the New Testament we see our Bible heroes working out their theology as well. For a ton of encouragement, I think the Apostle Paul says it beautifully in Philippians chapter 2. So, if this is you- go find this scripture and be blessed.


What scares you the most? Common answers may be spiders, snakes, or heights. But according to a recent study by Chapman University what people are often afraid of the most is related to other people. Corrupt government officials, home invasions, or fears that we’ll lose a loved one. If any of these fears keep you up at night- you’re not alone, but here’s some good news. The God of the heavens and the earth is not a God of fear. In fact, the term, “Do not be afraid” appears over and over in the Bible. Listen to these words from Psalm 112 “Surely the righteous will never be shaken; they will be remembered forever. They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord.” Sure, we’re all afraid of something, but when worry weighs you down, remember these words “The righteous will never be shaken”

Loyal Fans

If you follow sports, who is your favorite team? I think especially in soccer and American football you’ll meet some of the most loyal fans in all of sports. You see their dedication in their conversations, clothes, bumper stickers- you name it. There is no doubt what team they’re rooting for. Could someone say the same about your love and dedication to your Savior? I’m not saying we all need a “honk if you love Jesus” bumper sticker. But can people tell who you follow by your conversations, actions, and love? The old saying that you may be the only Bible some ever read is so true. You may never know how much of an impact a simple gesture or conversation you had with someone in the name of Jesus had on their life.

A Traitor's Kiss

A terrifying night, with burning torches, crossing swords and, of course, a friend's traitorous kiss. The most dramatic scene in the Bible is in the Garden of Gethsemane. Judas is synonymous with betrayal. You can disagree with me; But I don’t believe that Judas was created for this purpose. It wasn’t his destiny to willingly betray the Son of God. God loved Judas, the same way he loves you and me. But Luke 22:3 tells us, "Then Satan entered Judas Iscariot." And not because Judas was evil, but because even as a disciple of Jesus, he was vulnerable to the enemy. And we’re vulnerable too. But through prayer and communion with God, we can strengthen ourselves spiritually and defeat the enemy.


Throughout the Bible we see the seas parting, bread falling from heaven, the dead brought to life and thousands fed from a boy’s lunch. People often ask why we don’t see miracles like this today. Sure, miracles happen every day, but none more obvious than a man walking on water. So, is my life insignificant if I can't walk around performing miracles? The Bible is a collection of books filled with familiar themes. The issues the Word of God addresses are anything but insignificant. Love, sacrifice, family, war, etc. These are issues that we still live with today and that our children and their children will experience. Remember that your life, while it may seem repetitive, has something special to offer, because we were created on principles of love and made in the image of God, and that is already a miracle in itself.

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