A God of Emergencies

Is your relationship with God like a spare tire? You only look for Him in emergencies? Or like a doctor? And you reach out to him when you’re ill? Or- is He more like the air you breathe? And you depend on Him constantly. In the Bible, Rehoboam's spiritual life was like a spare tire, when things went wrong, he looked for God, when they went well, he forgot about Him. Like the words of the Prophet Hosea, “I fed them, and they were full, and once satisfied, they became arrogant and forgot about me.” If at the moment, things are going well for you; you have food, you’re in good health; I advise you to remember where every good and perfect gift comes from. Don’t wait to have a relationship with God when things go wrong. Praise Him in the storm and in the sunshine.

An Invitation to Move

If you’ve ever had an injury that required some form of physical therapy, chances are that you were helped by someone who studied Kinesiology. This is the study of mechanics and anatomy of human movement. These physical therapists won’t force your body to move but will guide and encourage a better range of motion as you heal. This is much like how God interacts with us. As we allow ourselves to be shaped by Him and become more like Christ- He will never force us to behave in a particular way but instead, as we learn His voice- will gently guide and encourage our steps. If you’re looking for direction, be in prayer and listen to His quiet invitation to move.

Where do We Come From?

If we know the purpose of our life, if we know both- where we came from and where we’re going. Then we’re prepared to be instruments in the hands of Almighty God.

Difficult Topics

The author, Jason Jimenez says, “Think of a disagreement with a Christian friend as more like a baseball game than a boxing match. There will be swinging- but not at each other”.

Are You Lost?

Have you ever been lost? Do you feel lost in life now? Lacking direction? The good news is that God already has a plan for your life. Ask our Heavenly Father for wisdom and He will help you get back on track.

Rest is Important

To be the best version of yourself you can be, guard your time to rest, recover and spend time with your Heavenly Father.


How do we place a value on ourselves? If social media has something to say about it- it’s in likes and follows, right? Don’t let outside forces tell you your worth.


What would be on your mental playlist? What do you spend the most time thinking about?


If you’re feeling overwhelmed, it may be time to take a step back and see if there’s anything you’re juggling that you should let go of- or pass on to someone else. You can do a better job with less- than when you’re stretched too thin.

Buying Happiness

If you’re hoping money will fix all of your struggles- reach out to our Heavenly Father instead. In Christ, He can introduce you- not to fleeting happiness, but true joy.

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