Nothing is too Small for God

The same God who made the universe made the tiny insect. God cares about the big things in our lives and the mundane.

Alone at Sea

Are you lost at sea spiritually? It’s our prayer that God begins to show you the light of a new day.

My Plans

Are you a planner? Do you constantly tell God your plans? Or are you listening to His plan for your life?

Helping Each Other Out

We can learn a lot from the culture of farmers. Most industries are cutthroat and it’s every man for themselves. This looks much different than the Kingdom of God.

Acquaintance or Friend?

Do we recognize the difference between an acquaintance and a friend? Jesus calls us His friends. Not acquaintances.

They Don’t Mix

When our theology doesn’t show up in our actions, this dissonance doesn’t mix with who we are in Christ.


Are you critical of others while being blind to your own shortcomings?

Self Less

Our rewards are Kingdom rewards. Be selfless in showing unrestrained grace to the world around you.

Justice, Mercy, and Grace

Justice said we were guilty in our sin. But in God's Mercy and Grace, He took our place.

Sweating the Small Stuff

In the words of Maya Angelou, “Do the best you can until you know better”- So, don’t sweat the small stuff.

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