What if They Found Out?

Do we care more about what others think than God?

Crucial Qualities

Do we value qualities the world finds valuable or what God finds valuable?

The Race

The Apostle Paul often described the Christian walk as a race.

Everything Changes

Among the instability in life there is one thing that NEVER changes- GOD.


When was the last time you had a long conversation with God that didn’t include a plea for a “quick fix” to your problems?

Small Habits

Maybe you want to start working out- try doing just a 2-minute run. Maybe you want to start reading your Bible more- make time to read for just two minutes a day and see where it leads. With prayer and dedication, these small habits will become your new routine.

Parenting by Example

One of the most powerful ways we can make an impact in this world starts in our own homes. Create an atmosphere of love to keep your kids emotionally stable and secure. Teach them to appreciate and respect the deep values that glorify our Heavenly Father. Your kids are watching. Be an example worthy of being imitated.

Elevator Distraction

Hebrews 12 says to fix our attention on Jesus. When we fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, the distractions will fade away.

Be Careful What You Say

Are you being careful with your words? And more importantly- are you being careful about what you are asking of the Lord?


Life has a way of throwing us curveballs. But time and time again, God uses our setbacks for a setup for blessings.

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