Amazing Creation

All around us are incredible mysteries and awe-inspiring beauty. If you’re struggling with belief in God, do you at least see a lifeforce or something beyond our comprehension working behind the scenes in nature? Written by: Chris Benjamin

Don’t Lose Hope

Hope is defined as a confident expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen. Without hope, life would seem pretty meaningless, right? Written by: Glenda White

The Price of Compassion

The parable of the Good Samaritan examines the cost of compassion. The Samaritan didn’t just see the man in need but took action. It cost him time and money. Has compassion ever cost you something? Written by: Glenda White and Chris Benjamin

Hope and Construction

Faith never makes sense in the present. Written by: Chris Benjamin


Do you want to know how to make a difference every day? It’s pretty simple actually. Written by: Meagan Hofer


Are we, as the church, exuding sweetness to a world in desperate need of love and hope? Written by: Major Frank Duracher

Trust the Coach

When kids are starting out in baseball, it takes a while for them to trust the coach when they’re at bat. To learn that the ball isn’t going to hit them. Written by: Chris Benjamin

God, Can You See Me?

In a crowded place, it’s easy to feel invisible or even worse, insignificant. But, it helps to ask, ‘where am I among the multitude?’ Written by: Jalane Rolader

The Star of the Show

God created the stars for navigation and quite simply- they may just be another way His glory is put on display for our enjoyment. So, don’t forget to look up now and then. Written by: Glenda White and Chris Benjamin


2nd Corinthians 1:3-4 says, “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.” Written by: Chris Benjamin

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