
We’ve all struggled with loneliness at some point. We may try to fill our time with distractions. But what are we left with when those distractions run out? Written by: Chris Benjamin


When reading the word of God, be like a sponge and absorb as much of it as possible. Written by: Major Frank Duracher


It’s only natural for us to resent authority over our lives. We want “no interference” to do as we’d like. Written by: Major Frank Duracher

Annoying Noises

Are you tired of being bombarded by negativity? Written by: Glenda White

Identity Theft

Are we expressing outwardly who we are eternally in Christ? Written by: Chris Benjamin

Would You Move?

Do you enjoy the place where you call home, your routine, your surroundings, your job? Are you comfortable? Well, what if God told you to leave all of it behind? Would you move? Written by: Glenda White

Questions About Faith

All of us, at some point, if we’re honest, have questioned our faith in some way. From age old questions like, “if God is a loving God why do bad things happen to good people?” To more personal questions about unanswered prayers. Written by: Chris Benjamin

Don’t Be Anxious

According to a recent study by Amazon, Philippians 4:6-7 is the most “highlighted” scripture in the Bible. Is there any question as to why? Written by: Chris Benjamin

Who Told You?

Who are you allowing yourself to hear from? Who are you allowing to influence your life? God is our father and He wants us to recognize His voice at all times. Written by: Shawn Walker

Fork in the Road

Have you ever been lost? Like, really lost? How did you eventually find your way home? Written by: Karen Brooks

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