The Simple Things

The pursuit of happiness can often lead us nowhere. How much time do we spend chasing the next thing? Written by: Meagan Hofer

Don’t Lose Hope

Hope is defined as a confident expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen. Without hope, life would seem pretty meaningless, right? Written by: Glenda White

Amazing Creation

All around us are incredible mysteries and awe-inspiring beauty. If you’re struggling with belief in God, do you at least see a lifeforce or something beyond our comprehension working behind the scenes in nature? Written by: Chris Benjamin

Life Shapers

Our friends and community become life-shapers to us. So, who, in your life are helping to shape you and push you to be the best that you can be? Written by: Glenda White


When faced with adversity remember: God uses our circumstances to shape us and bring us closer to Him. God turns what Satan intended for harm into powerful transformation. Written by: Chris Hofer

COVID 19 Encouragement Episode 08

In this bonus episode, we hear from one of our hosts of the show, "The Storytellers Series", Calen Louden. Caleb shares a story of 2 women from The Salvation Army doing ministry in World War 1.

COVID 19 Encouragement Episode 07

In this bonus episode, we hear from Wonderful Words of Life host, Major Cheryl Gilliam. She shares some of the lessons she's learned so far during this difficult time and offers some words of encouragement.

COVID 19 Encouragement Episode 06

In this bonus episode, we hear from HEARTBEAT host, Major Marion Platt. He checks in from Memphis TN, in the field while feeding those in need. He prays specifically for those experiencing loneliness during this challenging time.

In All Things

If you are in a season with lots of unanswered questions, find comfort in knowing that while your circumstances may be unclear, your prayers are being heard. Written by: Meagan Hofer

COVID 19 Encouragement Episode 05

In this bonus episode, we hear from Salvation Army Officer Major Jerry Friday. He shares about one of his favorite Bible characters, Elijah. This Bible story reminds us that God will care for His children.

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