COVID 19 Encouragement Episode 04

In this bonus episode, we hear from Salvation Army Officer Major Amy Reardon. Amy shares some of her frustrations and fears during this difficult time but reminds us that we have the power of choice. The power to choose not to let fear run our lives.

COVID 19 Encouragement Episode 03

In this bonus episode, Salvation Army Officer Lt. Colonel Eddie Hobgood shares a story from history as an illustration and reminder that God is always with us.

COVID 19 Encouragement Episode 02

In this bonus episode, Salvation Army Officer Captain Heather Dolby shares about some of her own struggles during this difficult time and offers her encouragement.

Sweet Friendships

God created us for relationships – we are meant to do life together. Proverbs 27:9 says “Sweet friendships refresh the soul and awaken our hearts with joy”. Written by: Meagan Hofer

COVID 19 Encouragement Episode 01

In this bonus episode, Heartbeat host- Meagan Hofer, shares some thoughts and ideas on how to stay positive and focus on your blessings during this challenging time.

Tired of Feeling Tired?

Are you tired of feeling tired? Do you feel too exhausted and overwhelmed to even think straight? Bills, work, health issues – it’s all too much to deal with sometimes, right? Written by: Jalane Rolader

Would You Move?

Do you enjoy the place where you call home, your routine, your surroundings, your job? Are you comfortable? Well, what if God told you to leave all of it behind? Would you move? Written by: Glenda White

Branching Out

Monday: 4/6/20 What’s in your way that’s making you think your growth is being hindered? if you can’t move upward, move outwards and spread your branches! Written by: Shawn Walker

Don’t be Anxious

According to a recent study by Amazon, Philippians 4:6-7 is the most “highlighted” scripture in the Bible. Is there any question as to why? Written by: Chris Benjamin

Left or Right?

Most of us, generally believe we’re on the right path in life. However, all may seem well until the road twists and turns with anxiety, fear and worry. How did something so certain change so quickly? Written by: Jalane Rolader

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