Worry About Today

Maybe you have a lot on your plate right now. Maybe you’re unsure how the next bill will be paid. Take a lesson from some heroes of our faith and remember that God has a plan for you. Written by: Chris Benjamin

Who Told you?

Who are you allowing yourself to hear from? Who are you allowing to influence your life? God is our father and He wants us to recognize His voice at all times. Written by: Shawn Walker


Even Jesus himself took time away from the noise of the crowds to get away to a solitary place to pray. So, take a lesson from our Savior, and take time for yourself. Your life and the lives of others are depending on you to do so! Written by: Glenda White

Be Bold in Your Pursuit of God

What are you desperately believing God for? And what are you willing to risk? Whatever you do, be bold in your pursuit of God Written by: Shawn Walker


Each of us leave our fingerprints in this world; a record of who we were and what we did. Are they going to be the kind of fingerprints that shine the light of God’s love and grace?


Do you remember Mary and Martha from the tenth chapter of Luke? Mary is enjoying the company and teaching of Jesus while Martha spends His visit stressing over the preparations. When I look at this story, I see the struggle that I face every day when work and worship collide. When doing seems far more important than dwelling.

Give Me a Sign

Have you ever been desperate for God to show you a sign? Faith is, “the confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we don’t see.” The evidence of God is all around you, it’s up to you to have an open heart to see.


I’m not a baker, but my grandmother was. When I close my eyes, I see her standing at a wooden banquet table covered in flour. “I am the bread of life,” said Jesus “He who comes to me will never go hungry”. Sometimes I hear those words and my mind races back to my grandmother’s kitchen.

Walk Baby

As mature Christians, we need to show the same grace and patience to new believers as our Father has shown us. You too were once there.

A New Beginning

Maybe you want to break a bad habit or relive a lost dream. Maybe you want to take charge of your finances or start your own business... whatever it is, God could be telling you at this moment to get up and go forward with your dream.

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