Lesson 599: Groaning in the Grip of Winter (Romans 8:23-27)

As we follow Christ and pursue godliness in the midst of this ungodly world, we look ahead, longing for the day our groaning will become glory. We do so with the certainty of that coming day and the assurance of the Holy Spirit’s intercession. ... Stephen Davey is teaching through the Bible with a new lesson each weekday. Watch episode 1 here: https://youtu.be/v1yx-2eg5NQ?sub_confirmation=1

Lesson 598: Inheriting our Father’s Fortune (Romans 8:16-22)

As believers in Christ, we are fellow heirs with Him of all God has to offer us. That inheritance means temporary suffering in this world but assurance of eternity in the presence of God in a perfect world. ... Stephen Davey is teaching through the Bible with a new lesson each weekday. Watch episode 1 here: https://youtu.be/v1yx-2eg5NQ?sub_confirmation=1

Lesson 596: Friends Forever (Romans 8:5-11)

What is your mind set upon? What occupies your mind more than anything else? To thoughtfully consider this question is to contemplate your relationship with God and whether you can truly call yourself a friend of God the Holy Spirit. ... Stephen Davey is teaching through the Bible with a new lesson each weekday. Watch episode 1 here: https://youtu.be/v1yx-2eg5NQ?sub_confirmation=1

Lesson 595: Walking in the Spirit (Romans 8:2-4)

Faithfulness in seeking to honor the Lord in the everyday responsibilities of life is the primary measure of a Spirit-led life. Paul introduces us to the concept of walking according to the Spirit as the norm for the Christian. ... Stephen Davey is teaching through the Bible with a new lesson each weekday. Watch episode 1 here: https://youtu.be/v1yx-2eg5NQ?sub_confirmation=1

Lesson 594: Every Crime Forgiven (Romans 8:1)

The amazing reality is that, by the grace of God, sinners can stand uncondemned before the holy God. This is not only possible; it is certain for all who trust in Jesus Christ alone for salvation. That wonderful truth is clearly stated in Romans 8:1. ... Stephen Davey is teaching through the Bible with a new lesson each weekday. Watch episode 1 here: https://youtu.be/v1yx-2eg5NQ?sub_confirmation=1

Lesson 593: Putting on the Dog (Romans 7:14-25)

In Romans 7 the apostle Paul affirms, and illustrates from his own life, that every believer is engaged in a continual, lifelong battle against sin. It is an agonizing struggle, and defeats will be suffered, but ultimate victory is assured through the power of Jesus Christ. ... Stephen Davey is teaching through the Bible with a new lesson each weekday. Watch episode 1 here: https://youtu.be/v1yx-2eg5NQ?sub_confirmation=1

Lesson 592: Why the Law of God Matters (Romans 7:7-13)

As followers of Christ, we are freed from the law. However, the law still serves a purpose. The law does not save anyone; rather, it reveals people’s sinfulness so that Christ can save them. ... Stephen Davey is teaching through the Bible with a new lesson each weekday. Watch episode 1 here: https://youtu.be/v1yx-2eg5NQ?sub_confirmation=1

Lesson 597: Led by the Spirit (Romans 8:12-15)

The work of the indwelling Holy Spirit is essential to a consistent Christian life. He empowers and directs us. We must simply yield to Him as He teaches us through the Bible and energizes our relationship with our heavenly Father. ... Stephen Davey is teaching through the Bible with a new lesson each weekday. Watch episode 1 here: https://youtu.be/v1yx-2eg5NQ?sub_confirmation=1

Lesson 591: Reproducing Spiritual Fruit (Romans 7:5-6)

The Christian life is a growing relationship with the living Lord. As that relationship flourishes, it will naturally produce a Spirit-controlled life that mirrors the character and conduct of Jesus Christ. ... Stephen Davey is teaching through the Bible with a new lesson each weekday. Watch episode 1 here: https://youtu.be/v1yx-2eg5NQ?sub_confirmation=1

Lesson 590: Saying “I Do” to Christ (Romans 7:1-4)

In the opening verses of Romans 7, the apostle Paul explains the great truth that we who are saved through faith are freed from the law and united with Jesus Christ. The result and evidence of this union is a spiritually fruitful life. ... Stephen Davey is teaching through the Bible with a new lesson each weekday. Watch episode 1 here: https://youtu.be/v1yx-2eg5NQ?sub_confirmation=1

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