Lesson 628: Counting the Marbles Left in Life (Romans 13:11-14)

Our time on this earth is short—shorter than we may think. God wants us to live in light of the full salvation that soon will be ours. Let us put on Christ and put away all works of darkness! ... Stephen Davey is teaching through the Bible with a new lesson each weekday. Watch episode 1 here: https://youtu.be/v1yx-2eg5NQ?sub_confirmation=1

Lesson 627: Paying Every Debt Except One (Romans 13:8-10)

Love for others is not just a good and wise activity; it is a divine obligation. Love is a debt we owe, and as we are paying it daily, we are establishing a lasting legacy and testimony to the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. ... Stephen Davey is teaching through the Bible with a new lesson each weekday. Watch episode 1 here: https://youtu.be/v1yx-2eg5NQ?sub_confirmation=1

Lesson 626: Paying Taxes Today (Romans 13:1-7)

Government is a God-ordained institution designed to restrain evil and promote good. We are to honor and obey government. And because government is established by God, we honor Him when we pay the taxes we owe. Paul’s message on this topic is very down to earth. ... Stephen Davey is teaching through the Bible with a new lesson each weekday. Watch episode 1 here: https://youtu.be/v1yx-2eg5NQ?sub_confirmation=1

Lesson 625: Too Gracious to Be Ignored (Romans 12:14-21)

Being gracious to others is not easy. It requires a selfless, humble spirit that desires the best for others. With God’s grace as a model, however, we are fully equipped to live gracious lives and overcome evil. Paul offers some practical principles for a grace-centered life. ... Stephen Davey is teaching through the Bible with a new lesson each weekday. Watch episode 1 here: https://youtu.be/v1yx-2eg5NQ?sub_confirmation=1

Lesson 624: The Pursuit of God (Romans 12:12-13)

True godliness is not measured by religious ritual but by a continually growing development of Christlike qualities reflected in a godly mindset, private devotion to prayer, and selfless actions to meet the needs of others. ... Stephen Davey is teaching through the Bible with a new lesson each weekday. Watch episode 1 here: https://youtu.be/v1yx-2eg5NQ?sub_confirmation=1

Lesson 623: Evidences of Spiritual Sanity (Romans 12:9-11)

The Lord calls all His children to live consistent, godly lives. The Bible does not leave us to guess what such a life looks like. The apostle Paul gives us some key elements of godly spiritual maturity in Romans 12. ... Stephen Davey is teaching through the Bible with a new lesson each weekday. Watch episode 1 here: https://youtu.be/v1yx-2eg5NQ?sub_confirmation=1

Lesson 622: Every Christian Is a Charismatic (Romans 12:6b-8)

God gives the spiritual gifts and the faith to exercise them effectively in His church. Our responsibility is to faithfully and humbly employ them in His service. This may not always bring thanks or praise, but it will bring glory to our God. ... Stephen Davey is teaching through the Bible with a new lesson each weekday. Watch episode 1 here: https://youtu.be/v1yx-2eg5NQ?sub_confirmation=1

Lesson 621: Why the Church Is Like a Puzzle (Romans 12:3-6a)

It is not uniformity but unity that is needed in the church, the body of Christ. As diverse members of that body, we have each been uniquely gifted to contribute to the unity of God’s family to His ultimate glory. ... Stephen Davey is teaching through the Bible with a new lesson each weekday. Watch episode 1 here: https://youtu.be/v1yx-2eg5NQ?sub_confirmation=1

Lesson 620: How To Find the Will of God (Romans 12:2b)

The will of God is not something we should fret about or agonize over. If we are following God’s written Word and seeking to please Him, we can be sure we are walking in His will. ... Stephen Davey is teaching through the Bible with a new lesson each weekday. Watch episode 1 here: https://youtu.be/v1yx-2eg5NQ?sub_confirmation=1

Lesson 619: From Infancy to Maturity (Romans 12:2a)

If we want to make a difference in the world, we must be different from the world. And that is possible only by being transformed by God’s Word. ... Stephen Davey is teaching through the Bible with a new lesson each weekday. Watch episode 1 here: https://youtu.be/v1yx-2eg5NQ?sub_confirmation=1

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