Does Church Matter?

One question is always relevant: Does church matter?

Tumultuous Times

Our great need is to examine ourselves before God. Is He first in my heart, my calendar, my finances, my relationships?

Promises And Politics

There is, indeed, nothing new under the sun. Politicians promise, get elected, and then don’t deliver. What do they promise?

Overwhelmed # 4

In times of disruption in our lives, the reality is we’re usually heading into a trial or heading out of one. Overwhelmed, confused, normal.

Overwhelmed # 3

My friend, it’s time for us to lean into our faith.

Overwhelmed # 2

Is your day overbooked, your budget over extended, and your patience exhausted?


It’s not unusual when facing new challenges to feel overwhelmed. Whether a move ahead, income reduction, or simply an impossible packed schedule.

Ukrainian Military Widows

"Their young children have seen atrocities beyond what we can imagine. No husband, no Dad, no home. God has called Widow Connection to action. "

Military Widows

As Veterans Day approaches, Look around. You’ll see widows of veterans.

Chaplain, Are You Praying?

A voice from the rear of the aircraft cried out. “Chaplain, are you praying?”

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