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Black History Month 2

Did you know that Frederick Douglass was nominated for vice president of the United States?

Black History Month 1

February was designated Black History Month in 1926.

Grey Days And Gratitude

What can you do to overcome the "grey days" of life?

Small Lunch

Imagine being the small boy listening to Jesus.

Small Meal

Imagine being a small boy in Bethsaida. A radical teacher arrives, and you are curious to go hear him. Your mother says . . .

Small Children

Children in biblical times were considered insignificant.

Small Start

Our obsession with large in our culture is not biblical.

Small Stone

The power of small: really consider the small stone that killed Goliath.

The Church

This wise old man banished to the island of Patmos remembered what he observed and recorded in John 6.

Churches And Moving Forward

I take comfort from the reality that God is the ultimate judge, that we have freedom to worship in a variety of places, big is not always better and Heaven will be perfect.

Lessons From Adoption

Most impressive is that God adopts us as His children when we accept his Son Jesus for who he is.

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