My360 Helper

Money Worries

The average worker spends 150 hours a year worrying about . . .


I recently heard a new word to me: frenemy. It describes . . .

Debts Impact

Did you know that some jobs are closed to those with debt?

Impoverished Neighborhood Scams

Sadly there are predators in impoverished neighborhoods.

Poverties Cost

Debt is a greedy beast. True for rich and poor alike. What are the hazards of debt?

Market Vulnerability

No one predicts accurately the markets fluctuations. Yes, there’s a predictable trend.

Credit Card Fraud Prevention

I discovered my NEW credit card which I got due to being hacked, was also hacked within days. I’m embarrassed to say, “My fault.”


Miriam and Valerie share a very helpful on-line tool in today's edition of "Wise Women Managing Money".

Giving Gets Gods Attention

How do you show God what really matters to you?

Proverbs 31 2

Women in the workplace have opportunities and challenges. The Proverbs 31 woman, our example, had a . . .

Proverbs 31 1

The woman in Proverbs 31 sets an example, a high bar, and lots of it refers to her work, her income, and what she did with that.

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