Why Give Thanks 1

Thanksgiving Day ahead is an opportunity to reaffirm that God is the Creator and Ruler of the Universe.

Thanksgiving Words

In this Thanksgiving season, more important than the menu of food is the menu of conversation.

Thanksgiving Preparations

Thanksgiving preparations are usually about grocery list making and studying the athletic events for that day. Usually, I said, not always.


Farm girls, as I once was, never lose their curiosity about harvest times and production of our rich farm land. This year, . . .

Salt And Light 3

I ask myself this question. What does salt and light look like?

Salt And Light 2

I read Matthew 5: 13 and 14, and wonder. Does this describe us as Christ followers today?

Salt And Light 1

We experience little persecution here. Is that because we are no longer salt and light?

Why Little Persecution 2

They did not realize they were poor, wretched, pitiful, blind and naked. Is that us as a church, as a nation?

Why Little Persecution 1

We experience little persecution in our country. Why?

Unity In The Body

I hunger for unity in our churches. At present we are a besmirched body, not admired for our single focus on the gospel, but torn by divisions and sin.

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