My360 Helper


We often struggle wondering, “How shall I pray?” “What shall I pray for?”


Have you ever had a day where you felt you were facing a lion in a pit?

January Surprises

What surprises have already come your way in this new year?

Peace 3

What kind of peace do we want this year?

Peace 2

"Lord help us to live based on truth, heal our wounds, mend fences and build bridges. Only God can . . . "

Peace 1

What will peace look like for us as Christ followers?

Power Out

Chicago! Power out again! I realize I take so much for granted. Our spiritual power supply is similar.

Emotional Ruts

"Emotional habits are like that." Like what? Learn the answer by listening to Miriam Neff in this edition of "New Beginnings".

Hope Quotient

How is your hope quotient today, my friend?


Do you wonder, when your best was not good enough how you’ll be able to face the next day?

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