Trust And Verify

Ronald Reagan liked to quote a Russian proverb that stated ‘Trust, but Verify.’ Good practice.

Broken Heart

Is your heart broken today? Do you feel that is a barrier between you and God?

Exceptional You

What’s exceptional about you? I don’t know. You may not know. But God does. He specializes in showing us how exceptional we are in a crisis.

Why Play The Game?

Scripture often compares our life as believers to athletic events like races and wrestling. A consistent walk of faith is definitely a challenge. Or so I have discovered in my life. So why do it?


Songs about our dreams tug at our souls and capture our imagination. “Dream On,” “California Dreamin,” we love to escape into our dreams, especially when life is ordinary or tough.

Naomi And Ruth

Are you living plan B for your life?

The Road Less Traveled

Robert Frost’s poem “The Road Less Traveled” is intriguing. For those of us starting over in life for unwelcome reasons, it’s gripping. We must choose without preparation. I’ve discovered that . . .

In House Waterfall

Decorative water falls in homes are beautiful, high maintenance, a source of serenity, and I don’t have one until . . .

God’s Footstool

When I pack, I am reminded that this whole universe is simply God’s foot stool. What I will see and experience will be no surprise to Him.

God Has A Dream

To fulfill God’s dream, those of us who are Christ followers are to demonstrate our faith by helping the voiceless in their bad times, times of crisis, grief and poverty.

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